Chapter 11: Chapter In My Past

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Fantasia Pov

As we lay there skin to skin. Taraji still sound alseep laying peacefully in my arms. I couldn't help but to think about my run in with Kendal last night should I tell her ? Things between us couldn't be better I don't wanna mess things up, but I also know if I dont tell her it's gonna be an even bigger issue. I began to remember the sad look on Tarajis' face I never wanted to see that sad face again. I really need to figure things out and fast. I hated keeping anything from her.

Kendal and I had been broken up for about 2 years now I contemplate on whether or not I should even take him up on his offer to meet up. I had no intentions on us getting back together. Although it was still new I was happy with Taraji. So why was I even considering hearing him out.

My deep thoughts get interrupted by the vibration of my phone. Taraji was laying next to me and Zion is never up around this time, so who could be texting me this early. I get a queasy feeling in my stomach before reaching over to grab my phone.

Kendal: Good morning beautiful, are you available this afternoon? We can meet at the coffee shop on 42nd street
Tasia: Good morning I don't know if that's a good idea
Kendal: Please come Tasia , we really need to talk...
Tasia:I'll let you know, I can't make any promises...

I put my phone down as Taraji begins to wake up Good morning baby.

"Good morning"she says to me smiling.

You want some breakfast?

She chuckles, "Do you want some breakfast" ? The way you put it down last night you can have whatever you want baby.

You is what I want ... she smiles as we share a  passionate kiss. "So tell me what you want for breakfast baby",she ask getting up to put her robe on. Whatever you decide to make is fine I'll eat whatever.

"You'll eat whatever huh" ? Well do you want me for breakfast then ? Revealing her naked body before tying up her robe. I bite my bottom lip seductively before responding I'll have you for breakfast, lunch, and dinner baby giving her a wink. "You so nasty Tasia", blushing as she speaks.

"How about New Orleans style shrimp and grits" ? Ooou that sounds amazing baby I haven't had shrimp and grits in I don't know how long.  My mouth beings to water just thinking about it. "I got you baby", she leans in to kiss me before heading down to the kitchen.

I get an uneasy feeling as I pick my phone up this guilty feeling must be a sign that I shouldn't go. I let out a loud sigh, smacking my forehead in the palm of my hand. Im perplexed, I really didn't see the point in going other than him needing closure. Like what could he possibly even need to talk about that apparently was so urgent.

I decide I'll only give him about 10-15 mins of my time whatever he has to say better be wrapped up within that time frame. Now how was I gonna explain this to Taraji we had plans to spend the day together. The coffee shop wasn't too far from my house so I'll just tell her I'm gonna swing by the house and grab some more clothes and stuff, which wouldn't be a lie because I really did need to grab more clothes.

The smell of sautéed shrimp hits my nose fast , my baby be throwing down in the kitchen, about 5 minutes later Taraji comes upstairs with a breakfast tray with the 2 bowls of shrimp and grits mimosas and some cut up fruit in a bowl. Awww Noonk ! This looks amazing you didn't have to do all this for me. "I'll do anything for the woman that keeps me happy", kissing my cheek before handing me my bowl.

Omg T this was so good, "Really, You liked it" ? Yes baby you did an amazing job. She gathers our dishes after we got done putting everything back on the tray. Oh baby don't worry about the dishes I'll do them since you cooked. She chuckled a bit "You do know I have a dishwasher right ? It's fine baby you relax I'll right be back".

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