Chapter 8: Meet Me Half Way

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Taraji Pov

Tasia and I head out hip to hip smiling and laughing like school girls. It was overwhelming at times how lustful we were with one another. The way our affection pours out we couldn't hide it even if we wanted to I was as drawn to her as she was to me at times we would forget that we weren't the only ones around.

"Hey, hold up you two", Blitz yells out slightly jogging towards us .... Tasia and I snatch away from each other again. Our smiles fade as he gets closer. He looks at us both for a second before speaking , "So I'm not the type to be up in nobody's business but Fatima and I were standing in the back office of the dance studio and we witness the two of you".

My heart thumps hard "Oh shit" !

"Listen now I don't know if y'all are just vibing and getting into character to build chemistry for Shug and Celie or if you're actually messing around. I honestly don't care if it'll help build the chemistry for the screen so that the audience can feel that love they have for each other I'm all here for it".

A smile begins to creep upon my face.... "Now if this is something else I'm just going to say this and leave it at that keep it professional till the end meaning no matter what happens with y'all don't let it affect your craft". He hugs us both before walking away leaving us both speechless for a moment.

"Now get on out of here love birds", chuckling as he heads out himself.

Fantasia Pov

We head to the car in silence, I could tell Taraji was in deep thought about what just happened as was I. I decide to be the one to break the silence. He's right you know maybe we should keep things professional while at the studio. At least when others are around. "So what is this to you ", she turns to me asking. "Why should we have to hide it".

I'm not saying we have to hide it Raji I'm saying we have to be careful we got caught twice today. "I don't care what anyone thinks Tasia if this is real for you then you shouldn't either I get us being professional but why hide it or fake it Shug and Celie were lovers and they didn't hide it so why should we. Are you ashamed of us or something" ?

I pull over immediately. Turning towards Taraji baby No ! Don't you ever think that . I grab her jawline turning her head towards me pulling her close to kiss her deep. She pulls away and stares out the window. Taraji don't do that look at me. her eyes begin to water. Look I just don't want us messing things up for the production or for us. What we have is very much real I try assure her I could tell Taraji was shutting down so I let it go.

Taraji Pov

I couldn't quite come to terms with how I was feeling at the moment. I pride myself on keeping things professional on set with any other cast mate that I play a love interest with, but with Fantasia it was different. I was falling for her and I wasn't afraid to show it but if she wanted to keep things discreet i gotta respect that right ?

Maybe we should just be friends for now I think to myself I knew deep down she was right. We cant allow our entanglement to interfere with our work. I just didn't like feeling like I'm a secret I love out loud not just in private. The silence in the car made the ride seem longer than what it really was I begin to regret not driving myself I hated being in an awkward space with no escape.

We finally make it back to my place. "Do you still want to go out tonight" ? She ask as I attempt to exit the car... Yeah sure I say, I know she could hear the sadness in my voice. "Well what time do you want me to come pick you up" ? Actually I'll just meet y'all there. Tasia grabs my hand before I could get out . "Taraji are we good" ? I give her a weak smile before responding... Yeah we're good freeing my hand from hers I'll see you later....

Fantasia Pov

Ughhh I hated this I don't like this , I felt sick to my stomach. I know she said we're good, but I hated seeing her like that. My poor baby looked so sad I never wanna be the reason behind that... I head back to my place in silence contemplating on whether to simply giving her her space or turn back around to fix things with us.  I never want us on bad terms and I certainly didn't wanna give her to much space and allow her mind to wonder.

Nah fuck that I turn around and speed back to her place I cant leave things like that with her I care for her to much and that sad look on her face sadden me I never wanna see that look again. I pull back up and knock on the door "Taraji open up, we gotta talk".

I can see her wiping her eyes through her glass door before opening it my heart sank a bit. "What is it Fantasia". Without saying a word I look into her eyes and pull her close to me kissing her all over her face baby Im sorry. She tries to play hard to get and attempts to pull away. Listen I dont want you to ever feel like you're a secret okay because you're not.

I stare deep in her eyes holding her tight so she could see how serious I was. I dont ever want us walking away from each other on bad terms and I never wanna see you cry especially not because of me so tell me what you want us to do. We can sit down and talk and come up with a compromise because I'm not leaving until we fix things.

She finally gives me a real smile before kisses me back. "Come on in", she says to me rolling her eyes while laughing. You gone stop rolling your eyes at me too I say as I close the door behind me. "Oh yeah and what are you gonna do about it if I don't", she ask with her hands on her hips. I smirk before responding don't start nothing you can't finish.

"Oh you know I can start and finish, I never played"... she says laughing and smiling. I smile back, see thats what I want, I want to always keep her smiling... So tell me what you wanna do baby.

I know I'm just being a big baby but realistically you're right we should keep things professional but at the same time I don't wanna feel like I have to hold back from you we play characters that are lovers not to mention we actually have scenes where we have to kiss.

Let's just stay professional we can kiss here and there but not so much that we get so wrapped up in each other that we aren't focused or allow what we have going on distract us from our work.

Besides ... she says standing up headed towards the stairs that built up sexual tension throughout the day is gonna do wonders for us in the bed winking at me as she takes her shirt off.

I'm about to get in the shower you better head back home and get your stuff "we don't wanna be late now do we", she says smirking twirling her shirt in her hand as she heads upstairs...

I bite my lip as I watch her walk up stairs, I chuckle to myself as I head out the door.

Taraji Taraji Taraji !

My spoiled baby.💕

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