Chapter 22: Mama's Boy

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Taraji Pov

Marcell, let me put on some clothes then we can sit down and talk. All of us I say, still being stared at by Zion. I grab Tasias hand using my other hand to hold down my shirt making sure my ass wasn't exposed. Tasia and I make our way upstairs to change and she immediately starts freaking out pacing the floor back and forth. I stood there watching her for a second as I put on a pair of joggers. Tasia baby you gotta calm down I say not really having the right words to say to her.

"I can't believe they walked in on us". Tasia ! I shout grabbing her by her arms. Look we gotta deal with this one way or another and you freaking out isn't gonna help the situation. Now put on some clothes and let's go downstairs and talk to them. She sighs realizing I was right, quickly pulling herself together and changing into a pair of pants and t-shirt.

Now give me a kiss and let's get this over with. "Raji I don't think thats a good idea baby they're downstairs", she pleads. Tasia we aren't doing anything wrong we love each other and once we explain they'll realize that too now give me my kisses I say puckering my lips.

Tasia couldn't resist, she grabs my waist pulling me in and tongue kissing me. Whoa ! Easy now mama you know what happens when you start tonguing me down like that. We dont wanna scar the damn kids I say laughing. Tasia chuckles a bit making light of the situation. See baby I told you, just relax whatever happens we'll deal with it together okay. She nods in agreement letting out a deep sigh before grabbing my hand to join me as we make our way downstairs.

Okay let's sit down and talk as a family I say to everyone. "A family? Mane this some bullshit", Marcell shouts. Aye watch your mouth boy, you ain't that damn grown now sit yo ass down I scold. We make our way to the living room, Tasia and I sitting across from them while we try to explain the awkward situation at hand. Tasia begins speaking fumbling over her words trying her best to make sense of it all.

I uhhh...... Well we....

Look ! I say interrupting. I know this is a lot to take in but we're all grown so I'll just be honest here. Tasia and I are together. Now I'll spare you the details on what happened when you walked in but this thing with us is real. We meet on set and instantly felt a spark it wasn't planned it just happened, and while we've only been together a few months we make each other very happy. Something we both haven't been in a long time. Now I'm sorry if this is awkward for you or even surprising but we aren't just fooling around we're in love.

"Ma, you can have anybody you want why do you have to be with a woman". It's not about her being a woman for me son it's the feeling I get when I'm with her I feel safe, my heart beats different around her. I love how thoughtful, considerate, and kind she is. The way she looks at me even when she thinks im not looking. How selflessly she caters to my needs, my wants, and my desires even without me asking sometimes but most importantly she makes my heart smile.

I feel like the prettiest woman in the world, her world. Finding someone who brings your inner child out is one thing but finding someone who makes your inner child feel safe is another and that's what she does. She's my soulmate.... we were destined for one another I say grabbing her hand as I witness her eyes tear up. I never felt this way about a person not even your father who I loved dearly.

"So what you getting dicked down by woman now, I saw that bag of dildos and shit on the floor. What the fuck is all this", he says dumping the bag on the coffee table. "Who's doing the bending you or her" ? He was furious at this point but so was I. I'm grown I'm not about to let my child interrogate me about my sex life.

Marcelllllll.... I say rubbing my temples letting out a deep sigh to keep my cool. I understand you're upset but Im not gone tell yo ass again to watch your mouth. Now you're entitled to feel how you feel but what you not gone do is disrespect me or her and put my shit back boy ain't nobody tell you to touch nothing. "I'm just asking since we being honest and all he says sarcastically, using his fingers to gesture quotations".

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