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Under the clear sky of the new neighborhood, Damian stood before the building, a mix of anticipation and excitement bubbling within him. The moment he set foot in the lobby, he meets the lister of the apartment, Pierce, who introduced himself with a friendly demeanor. Pierce's seemingly genuine friendliness provided a welcoming touch, putting Damian at ease. 

As they ascended the elevator, the weight of anticipation hung in the air. Damian entered his new apartment, a space filled with possibilities and a blank canvas ready to be painted with the colors of his life. He glanced around, taking in the unfamiliar surroundings, the echoes of footsteps bouncing off the walls.

Pierce, adopting an air of friendliness, offered assistance with moving in. Damian, appreciative of the help, found himself immersed in the facade Pierce had carefully crafted. The charm in Pierce's smiles and the willingness to assist created a sense of camaraderie, temporarily overshadowing any skepticism that might have lingered.

In the quiet moments as Damian surveyed his new living space, Pierce continued to play the part of the congenial lister, his intentions concealed behind a veneer of kindness. 

As Damian settled into his new apartment, Pierce continued with the conversation, asking about Damian's background, interests, and the reason for moving. Pierce's questions seemed innocent enough, but he had no use for asking for any details, he'd already known everything there was to know.

Damian, being the open and sociable person he was, shared bits of his life, talking about his adventures with his roommates Leo and Jace, his job at the bakery, and the impending demolition of their old house. Pierce, all the while, maintained a facade of genuine interest, nodding and smiling at the right moments.

Little did Damian know that every word he shared only fueled Pierce's obsession. 

As they continued to set up Damian's new apartment, Pierce helped arrange the furniture and placed the family pictures carefully around the rooms. There was a moment when Pierce lingered a bit too long while handling a framed photo of Damian's family.

His gaze fixated on Damian's image in the picture, and for a brief moment, a shadow passed over his eyes. The intensity of his stare hinted at a deeper fascination, a connection that went beyond mere curiosity. Damian, occupied with other tasks, remained oblivious to the silent contemplation happening within the walls of his new home. 

After the flurry of setting up, they decided to take a break and headed to a cozy restaurant nearby. The atmosphere was laid-back, with the scent of various cuisines filling the air.

As they settled into their seats, Damian, feeling a sense of camaraderie with his new neighbor, decided to strike up a conversation.

"So, Pierce, what do you do for a living?" Damian asked, genuinely curious.

Pierce, with a charming smile, replied, "I'm a model."

Damian raised an eyebrow, surprised. "A model, huh? That's pretty cool. Do you, like, pose for magazines or walk down runways or something?"

Pierce chuckled, appreciating Damian's straightforwardness. "Yes, something like that. I do a bit of everything – photo shoots, runway shows, the whole package."

Damian nodded, impressed. "That's not something you hear every day. Must be exciting."

Pierce's eyes gleamed with a hint of mystery. "It has its moments."

In the midst of their conversation, Pierce's tone shifted ever so slightly. He looked at Damian with an intensity that sent a subtle chill down Damian's spine.

"You know, Damian," Pierce said in a low, measured voice, "I find the concept of fate intriguing. Sometimes, it feels like certain things are just meant to be, like our paths crossing, for instance."

We Meet Again [18+] | BxBWhere stories live. Discover now