The Punishment

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It was a normal peaceful day at the showgrounds. The sun was shining, the birds were singing and people were enjoying the weather. At least that's what it would be if it weren't for the fact that SMG3 and SMG4 were having a bit of a prank war. Things were slowly getting out of hand with actual things of theirs being broken, and now it was starting to annoy some of the residence. This time, it was Meggy, who was outside doing some target practice.

She paused as she heard footsteps rapidly approaching her from behind. She turned just as she was barreled into by SMG4, knocking them both to the ground. Meggy groaned as she sat up, rubbing her head as she saw SMG4 do the same. As she opened her mouth to ask what was going on, SMG3 came running in and pinned him to the ground to attack him. Meggy rolled her eyes and moved to get her splattershot, only to find it broken in half. Meggy turned red with anger and turned, grabbing the two men from the ground and seperating them.

"What the hell is going on with you two lately?! You two have been at each other's throats for days and it has gotten to the point where you're bothering other people!" Meggy stated, but it didn't seem like the two would stop glaring at one another.

"He started it! Keeps messing up my coffee orders and kicked Eggdog!" SMG3 yelled.

"Me?! You keep giving me the wrong orders and I didn't kick him, I tripped over him! And don't get me started on what happened with my laptop!" SMG4 argued back, ready to start another fight.

Meggy glared at them both before dragging them inside the castle. "You two are gonna learn to play nice with each other after this or so help me I will do something both of you will never live down." She said before barging into the game room, seeing Tari in the room. "Tari, grab me the duct tape please."

Tari paused her game, looking at the two men for a moment before getting up. "What's going on?" She asked, but moved to the supply closet and grabbed a roll of duct tape regardless.

"The boys here need to be punished for constantly hurting each other and for breaking my splattershot." Meggy stated before dropping the boys and grabbing the duct tape. She immediately wrapped the whole roll around the two, making sure they were stuck facing one another.

"Come on, Meggy, this is too much. I'll buy you a new splattershot." SMG4 said, trying to bargain as he tried to get out of the duct tape. SMG3 was also struggling to get free.

"This is ridiculous." SMG3 stated as he looked at Meggy.

"You two are gonna stay like this for an hour before I even think of letting you out."

"WHAT?!" SMG3 and SMG4 cried out, not wanting to be stuck together for an entire hour.

"Meggy, don't you think that's a little mean?" Tari asked as she began to follow Meggy out of the room.

"They gotta learn to play nice with each other, and this is the only way they will behave." Meggy said as they left the room, the shorter girl locking the door behind them. "So, in the mean time, how about we go get lunch?"

SMG3 and SMG4 began struggling against the tape once more, trying to pull away from one another. The two went on like this before SMG3 stepped back and tripped over the rug, sending them both falling down, SMG4 landing on top of him. They both groaned before looking at one another.

"Oi, get off me fat ass!" SMG3 yelled.

"I'm not fat you jerk!" SMG4 roared back before the two began to roll around on the floor, trying to hit one another, their hats flying off their heads. The two struggling with trying to bring their fists up from their sides. Though, their fighting didn't last long as the two grew tired after a few minutes. They panted softly, trying to regain their breath. SMG4 was back on top of SMG3, looking down at him.

"Fatty..." SMG3 mumbled, which made SMG4 decide to bite him. He leaned down, heading for his neck, not wanting to go for his face and risk getting bit himself. "Hey, what are you do-agh!" SMG3 let out a noise as he felt SMG4 bite at his neck. It wasn't as painful as what SMG4 initially thought he was gonna give him, but he continued to do it. "Stop...!" SMG3 managed to get out, lightly moving underneath him.

SMG4 continued to bite at SMG3's neck, hoping it hurt him, but he stopped as he heard a faint moan come from beneath him. He pulled back and looked down at SMG3. His cheeks were pink and though his eyes were looking away they had a certain look in them that told SMG4 that he was enjoying himself. SMG4 let himself stare at SMG3 for a moment, his brain slowly registering what just happened, and it finally clicked for SMG4 what he had just done.




Meggy and Tari came back from their lunch to open the door, finding SMG4 and SMG3 sitting on the ground in silence. "Are you guys done fighting now?" Meggy asked as she walked over, her arms crossed over her chest. The two avoided looking at one another, but they nodded their head. Meggy took out a pocket knife and cut them free from their binding. Upon being freed, SMG4 grabbed his hat and immediately sprinted out of the room, locking himself in his bedroom.

SMG3 grabbed his own hat and dusted it off before putting it on. Tari looked over at SMG3 and noticed some small marks on his neck. "Um, SMG3, what's on your neck?"

SMG3 turned a dark red and covered his neck with his hand. "Nothing!" He squeaked out before rushing out of the room. Tari and Meggy looked at each other, silently wondering if they should have stayed to look after the two of them.

SMG34 One-Shots (Requests Open)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora