A Fairytale (Part 1)

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((Author's note: I am NOT dead! I promise! I also forgot who asked for something relating to the recent fairytale episode on the SMG4 channel, but the chapter is dedicated to them! A lot of the episode plot will be changed to make it more Smg34.))

Smg3 was strolling through the woods, humming softly as he picked a wild blue flower from the ground, sniffing it to inhale its sweet scent. He sighed happily before tossing it over his shoulder, letting it fall some place behind him. Unfortunately for a witch by the name of Smg4 the flower just so happened to land on him. He was carrying a potion that he was planning to launch at the princess known as Smg3, but the flower made his allergies act up and cause him to sneeze. He ended up dropping the potion, the bottle breaking and making a loud explosion happen causing him to be launched back to his castle of evilness.

Smg4 groaned as he landed at his front door. 'Another failed attempt...' He thought bitterly before slowly crawling into his castle, heading to his potion room, grabbing something to heal his injuries. He downed the bottle and felt his injuries get erased completely from his body before he was able to stand up. He shook his head as he stood up. "That stupid princess can't be the fairest in the land when I am clearly more beautiful than him!" He yelled to no one in particular, heading to another room. He walked over to a rather large mirror and looked at himself. Sure his face wasn't conventionally attractive, what with the long nose and boils on his face, but he was damn well attractive in his own way.

Smg4 soon saw the mirror come alive. "Mirror mirror on the floor, tell me why I shouldn't smash my face in frustration through the door!" I say angrily before the mirror speaks.

"While you are fair, I wouldn't smash your face through the door, if you dare." The mirror replied.

Smg4 groans and rolls his eyes. "Then what must I do to get rid of him?"

"As I tell you time after time, in order for an answer you must say it in rhyme." The mirror stated.

'Why did I buy this stupid cursed mirror?' Smg4 sighed before nodding. "Smg3 is a stain on my perfect world, so tell me what I must do to turn him into a...turd." He said, hoping it would rhyme enough.

The mirror seemed satisfied enough so it continued. "True beauty lies within. Not in schemes nor wicked sin. For fairness, kindness, love in sway, in the end they shall win the day."

Smg4 rubbed his face in frustration. "I just need a way to make him hideous, so stop making me feel oblivious!" I shout in frustration at the mirror.

"Smg4, heed this call. Beauty is deeper than the hall. Your envy, Smg3's grace. Your heart dark, his heart's embrace. Yet fairness isn't skin deep. In the soul, its secrets keep. Your quest may end in sorrow, for true beauty shines tomorrow."

Smg4 sighed and turned to leave. "Forget this, I don't need the cryptic messages! I'll figure out how to get rid of that damn blight! And then my true beauty will shine in the light!" He said, not realizing he had rhymed, leaving the room and slamming the door.

"To no on the secrets told. In shadows deep, tales unfold. Smg4's plot, a twisted pace. To vanquish Smg3's fair grace. But fate's hand, a subtle art, twists the threads of every heart. In the battle, love will rise, as Smg4 will see through veiled eyes. Beauty's charm, a gentle lure. In Smg3's heart, it finds a cure. Smg4's quest, in darkness sown, will find light in love, once unknown." The mirror spoke to no one, as Smg4 stood in the other room, putting a new plan into action.

Hours later in the woods, Smg3 had received an invitation to the ball the following night, but frowned as he realized he had no dress to wear. He knew his animal friends weren't exactly fashion designers, so he knew better than to ask them for help. He sighed as he walked to the lake, sitting beside it. He looked into the crystal clear water below to look at himself. "Oh somebody help me..." He says as he lets a few tears of his fall into the water.

The water below him began to bubble below him and made him fall backwards, his eyes widened as a woman in a sparkling orange dress emerged from the water. The woman looked at him and smiled. "My dear Smg3, why are you so glum?" She asked.

Smg3 was a little taken aback by the woman suddenly appearing and asking him why he was so sad. "Well, I got an invitation to a ball, and I don't have a dress or even a ride to get there." Smg3 admitted as he looked at the woman. The woman smiled and brought a sparkly looking gun.

"Stand still for a moment and I'll take care of it all for you." She said, before blasting him with the gun, changing his outfit completely. Smg3 stood up and looked in the water at himself. He now wore a long purple dress, the material finer than silk, the dress fitting his body perfectly.

"Wow, I didn't realize how leggy I was." He said, glancing at the slit at the side of the dress. "I look hot as hell, any prince would kill to have me." He said as he looked himself over. He looked back at the woman from the lake. "I still don't have a ride to the ball though." He said, before the woman whistled loudly, causing his deer friend, Mario, to come rushing out from the woods.

Mario couldn't control his speed and ended up crashing into a nearby tree. The woman sighed and clapped her hands, causing Mario to walk over. "Ready to help your friend little one?" She asked, Mario nodding his head excitedly. She pointed her gun at him and shot him, transforming the deer into a...donkey.

"A donkey, seriously?" Smg3 asked in confusion before she shrugged while Mario ran in circles happily.

"My magic gun can only do so much work on certain creatures. I was hoping for him to be a horse." She said before Smg3 got on Mario's back.

"Well, thanks...wait, who the hell are you?" Smg3 said as he looked at the magical woman in question.

She smiled and walked over to the two. "I'm Meggy, your fairy godmother." She said before smacking Mario's ass hard to get him to start running. "Now go find your prince!" She yelled as Smg3 screamed from how fast Mario was running.

Miles away, Smg4 was watching Smg3 being taken to the location of the ball via the magic mirror. He let out a low chuckle. "Phase one, done. Now, for phase two of my brilliant plan." He said before heading to his potion room to continue what he was making in his cauldron.

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