A Fairytale (Part 2)

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Smg4 stood in front of his cauldron, dumping different ingredients into it as he stirred everything into one homogeneous mixture. He looked over at his lackey Luigi, having him read off the ingredients that were needed for this potion. "Three strands of unicorn hair, a pinch of fairy dust, five petals of a rose, this is an odd combination for a poison." Four mumbled but didn't question it as he continued to add more items that Luigi called out.

Luigi watched him stir the potion together. "Okay, the last thing for you to do is blow three kisses at it." Luigi said, making Smg4 raise an eyebrow but shrug it off. Smg4 blew three kisses at it and watched as the mixture turned a lovely shade of turquoise.

Smg4 chuckled and grabbed an apple from the nearby table, a few of them cascading onto the floor near him. "I'm going to coat a few of these apples, and we'll go to the ball. You'll be disguised as a prince and have Smg3 eat one of them. He'll be dead before he even knows what hit him." Smg4 said before going to dip the first apple into the cauldron but slipped on one that rolled onto the floor. He yelled as he fell straight into the cauldron.

Luigi panicked and moved, grabbing Smg4 from the mixture and pulling him out. Smg4 coughed up a bit of the mixture and groaned. "I don't think I swallowed any..." Smg4 said as he set the, now prettier looking, apple on the table. He pushed himself to his feet and began to shake out his hair. Once he was done, he noticed Luigi was looking at him with wide eyes. "What is it?"

Luigi grabbed a handheld mirror out from his back pocket and held it up for Smg4 to see himself. His face no longer had any boils. It was by all accounts smooth and free of any blemishes. His nose is no longer sticking out but much smaller and more normal. His hair even looked better, more fluffy and soft. Smg4 looked horrified.

"What the hell?! Poison shouldn't have made me look like this!" He yelled as he went over to the potion book Luigi was reading out of a few minutes ago. He saw the ingredients were correct for the spell, but noticed that the top part of the page was ripped. The ingredients listed were for a separate potion, and the actual poison was underneath. He saw the top half of the page on the other side and moved it over to see what it potion he had just doused himself with. "A beauty potion?! If anything it took my beautiful wickedness away from me!" Smg4 yelled in anger.

Luigi shook a little as he stepped forward to place a hand on his shoulder. Smg4 glared at him. "We don't have time to make another potion..." Luigi said worriedly, making Smg4 groan in frustration before his eyes caught a glimpse of a dagger.

Smg4 took hold of it and growled. "I'll do it myself. You can stay here and clean up every drop of this failure of a potion. I'll go to the ball, he won't know who I am if I go like this." Smg4 stated before leaving the room, his wet clothes making a squishing noise with each step.
Smg3 nearly wanted to throw up from how Mario ran off so fast thorough the forest. He groaned and hopped off of him, his legs shaking slightly. "Did you have to run that damn fast...?" Smg3 mumbled as Mario gave a stupid smile.

"Of course! Oh, and bring Mario back some spaghetti! And waffles, too!" Mario said, trotting his little donkey hooves around.

Smg3 rolled his eyes. "Yeah, if they have any of the stuff..." He said before walking up the steps to the large castle. He handed over his invitation to the guards before stepping inside. The ball room was huge and had many people already inside. He walked to the middle and was asked by many different men to dance, but he didn't feel any spark with them before during or after the dances. It all seemed like coming here was a bust, aside from maybe him showing off how hot he looked in his dress.

Just as he was about to step away from the group, the large doors opened once more to reveal an elegantly dressed man. His dress suit was colored white and blue with gold accents. His dark hair bouncing slightly with each step as his blue eyes seemed to scan the crowd of people before coming to a rest on Smg3.

Smg3 felt his heart stop for a moment as he felt the stranger's eyes upon him, and while it may seem cliche for him to think this way, it was almost certainly love at first sight. His breath hitched as the man walked over to him, coming to a stop a few inches from him. The man picked up Smg3's hand and brought it to his lips, placing a soft kiss on the back of his hand. Smg3 blushed at how forward the man was being with him, but didn't tell him to stop. He swallowed hard as the man stood up straight, still holding his hand.

The soft music from the band echoed in Smg3's ears as he scanned the other's face, finding him handsome. Soon, red eyes connected with blue ones, and he felt his breath get caught in his throat. "H-Hey..." He said nervously, earning a small chuckle from the mysterious man. The man gave him a soft smile.

"May I have this dance?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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