Hare Razing Escapade (Part 2)

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SMG4 carefully carried SMG3 into the castle and went to his room, setting his furry friend on the bed. "Okay, do you want me to tell the others about this?" SMG4 asked, getting two thumps from SMG3, which told him no. "Okay, so I gotta do the research on my own. Got it." SMG4 said before heading over to his computer to look up sudden transformations. SMG3 hopped off of the bed and over to SMG4, hopping into his lap to look at what he was researching specifically. "You know I can't exactly do proper research with you in my lap like this." SMG4 stated, receiving a few soft thumps on his lap to get him to stop complaining. SMG4 sighed and kept one hand on SMG3, mainly to pet him, and his free hand to type.

SMG3 slowly relaxed on his lap, enjoying the small pets that he was receiving. It made him happy to get this type of affection, even if he didn't ever wanna admit it. He closed his eyes and slowly drifted off to sleep. SMG4 soon looked down and smiled a little at how cute SMG3 looked while he rested on him. It almost made him want to keep him like this, almost. SMG4 looked back at the screen and noticed a lot of the stuff on these types of things mainly consisted of waiting it out and seeing if it wore off. He hummed as he came across one article that had some nonsense about 'true loves kiss' breaking the transformation which he thought was ridiculous. He did a little more research before he heard his stomach growl, which caused SMG3 to wake up and look up at him.

"Hehe, sorry. It's lunch time. How about we go get some lunch?" SMG4 asked, seeing SMG3 yawn before thumping his legs twice. SMG4 carefully picked SMG3 up and carried him to the kitchen, setting him down on the counter as he whipped out his phone. "I know you love your coffee and everything, but I think we may have to put you on a special diet while you're stuck as a rabbit." SMG4 stated before hearing a growling sound come from SMG3. "I know you don't like it, but I don't wanna accidentally kill you while you're like this." SMG4 stated before moving to get some food out of the fridge. He looked on his phone and saw rabbits could eat a small variety of fruits and some vegetables, but they should mainly be eating hay and grass. He got an assortment out and got to work with peeling and chopping. He would have to get some hay or special grass ordered for later today.

Once done, he set the small bowl in front of SMG3 while he moved to prepare his own food. SMG3 was displeased with having to literally eat like a rabbit, but what other choice did he have in this. He moved close to the bowl and began to munch on a piece of lettuce. The doors to the kitchen opened up and in walked Mario and Tari. Their conversation took pause as they saw the rabbit on the counter. Tari smiled and went over, gently petting SMG3. "SMG4, I didn't know you had a pet rabbit." The blue haired girl said politely as Mario came over.

Mario looked at SMG3. "Maybe it's not a pet and it's meant for dinner." He said, which made the man turned rabbit turn and hiss at the Italian. SMG4 looked up from making his sandwich.

"You can't eat the rabbit. He's a friend." SMG4 stated, which was technically the truth. He reached over and gave a few small pets to SMG3, making him calm down and return to eating his prepared food.

"So when did you get him?" Tari asked as she looked over at SMG4.

"I got him this morning. It's kind of a new thing." SMG4 admitted before finishing making his sandwich. He took a bite of his sandwich as he watched SMG3 munch on his greens. It was really adorable and made him think of actually getting a rabbit once this was all over. SMG4 quickly finished his meal and turned around to do the dishes. Mario soon reached over to pet SMG3, though SMG3 was already annoyed with Mario, so he turned and bit down on his finger. Mario freaked out as SMG3 wouldn't let go and Tari had to try and get SMG3 to let him go. SMG3 did eventually let go, but with Tari pulling so hard and not having that good of a grip SMG3 went flying.

SMG4 turned around just in time to see SMG3 land in the trashcan. He freaked out and rushed over, reaching in the can and pulling out SMG3, who was now covered in gunk. SMG4 frowned and took him out of the kitchen to the bathroom, placing him in the sink before moving to get shampoo from the shower. SMG3 tried to get out, but only let out squeaks of annoyance. He knew he smelled awful but he didn't need to take a bath in the sink of all places. SMG4 came back over and carefully washed him down, being mindful of the temp of the water. SMG3 didn't move much on him.

"So, according to my research we mainly just have to wait this out. I'm not too sure how long it will take but I'll help you no matter water." SMG4 said as he cleaned SMG3 up. SMG3 let out a noise but gave in as SMG4 dried him off and eventually got out a tiny comb. SMG4 combed out the fur and SMG3 purred a little, which made SMG4 smile. He carefully picked SMG3 up and carried him back to his bedroom, setting him down on the bed before laying down with him. "I'm gonna take a small nap." SMG4 said as he looked at his friend before closing his eyes.

SMG3 was a little cold, so he moved to snuggle up close into SMG4's side, making SMG4 look down at him. He smiled and gently pet SMG3 once more before the two slowly drifted off to sleep.

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