Hare Razing Escapade (Part 3)

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The next three days went by with no visible improvement on SMG3's problem, and SMG4 could tell that he was getting frustrated by it. SMG4 worked his hardest to make the best of a bad situation for SMG3, getting him the best food, a little heat lamp and even a fluffy little bed for him to sleep on. Though, the bed wasn't all that used because SMG3 usually jumped into SMG4's bed to sleep with him for some reason. SMG4 still couldn't figure out what could possibly break the curse and he could tell that SMG3 wasn't too pleased about this taking forever. SMG4 was currently rolling a ball towards SMG3, watching him go after it. He frowned as he noticed that his friend was behaving more like a normal rabbit than a human.

He began to grow worried that he may lose him forever. Even if he was more docile and cute as a rabbit, he missed every little bit of SMG3 that he had grown to love. SMG4 blinked and thought back to when he was researching about this situation, remembering that one article about true loves kiss. He wondered if it was even a possibility at this point. He looked at his friend and moved to pick him up. SMG3 looked up at SMG4, his little nose twitching in annoyance as he was taken away from his toy. "Sorry about this, Three." SMG4 said before leaning forward and kissing the being in his arms. Thankfully, SMG4 felt SMG3 get bigger in his arms and the furry face morphed into actual lips against his own.

SMG3 immediately pulled back, his face bright red as he wiped off his lips. "Yuck, did you have to kiss me on the mouth?" He questioned before pausing as he heard his own voice for the first time in days. He looked down at his hands and smiled. He stood up and jumped happily. "Yes! I'm back to being me again!" He cheered as SMG4 covered his eyes.

"Cover yourself dude!" SMG4 yelled to the other, making SMG3 look down and turn a dark red before grabbing a pillow from SMG4's bed and putting it over his junk to cover his indecency.

SMG3 laughed nervously. "Can I borrow some pants?" He asked, making SMG4 get up and go over to his dresser. He grabbed a stack of clothes from the top of it before handing it to SMG3, still not looking at him.

"I took the liberty of grabbing your clothes from the cafe the other day and washing them in case something like this happened." SMG4 said as he kept his back to SMG3 so he could dress himself. SMG3 put the pillow down and took hold of his clothes, slipping on the boxers first.

"Okay, I got my underwear on." SMG3 said as he began to slip on his shirt. SMG4 turned to look at him, seeing his head pop through the neck hole of the shirt. He happened to notice something else as SMG3 got dressed, which he didn't notice a minute ago because of the whole naked thing.

"Uh, Three..." SMG4 started, but was unsure of how to break the news.

"You know, I have to do so much work at the cafe now that I'm back to normal. God this is making me miss being a rabbit with no responsibilities." SMG3 mumbled as he began to put on his overalls.

"Three." SMG4 began once more, but SMG3 cut him off not realizing he was talking.

"Honestly it was kind of nice not having to worry about stuff like that, it was almost like a mini vacation." SMG3 said as he slipped on his shoes. "It was a little nice that you took care of me even when you didn't have to though. So, thanks I guess." He said as he picked up his hat.

"Three!" SMG4 said loudly, making SMG3 huff.

"What is it?" SMG3 questioned before seeing SMG4 point to a part of his room.

"You may wanna take a look in the mirror." SMG4 stated, making SMG3 raise an eyebrow but walked over to the mirror that hung up on SMG4's wall. As SMG3 came closer, he could feel his heart dropping into the pit of his stomach as he saw his reflection.

"WHY THE HELL DO I STILL HAVE BUNNY EARS?!" SMG3 yelled as he touched the large, floppy ears on the sides of his head. SMG4 walked over and placed a hand on his shoulder to try and calm him down.

"It's not that bad. It's hardly noticeable." He said, trying to keep SMG3 from freaking out even more.

"I may as well have glued two plates to my head, it's that freaking noticeable!" SMG3 yelled at SMG4, glaring at him. "I look like a freak!" SMG3 stated before pushing passed SMG4, attempting to tuck the large ears under his hat.

"Three, please, they aren't as bad as you think they are." SMG4 said, trying to grab his hand and get him to stay.

SMG3 yanked his hand out of SMG4's grip. "Leave me alone, Four!" He hissed at him, putting his hat on before leaving the room. SMG4 frowned as he watched him leave. He wanted to go after him and make sure he was gonna be okay, but he knew better. He needed to give him some space and when he's cooled off, he'd go find him to help. He wasn't gonna give up on him, not now, not ever.

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