Livestream Donation

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'Ah, finally. All done with the video.' SMG4 thought as he leaned back in his seat, thankful to be done with filming and editing the video that was set to be uploaded later. He hopped out of his seat and went to go make himself a sandwich. He hummed as he went to the kitchen, opening the fridge and getting out the ingredients, chopping up everything before heading back to his computer. He sat down and went to Twitch to see if anyone of the people he followed were streaming. He blinked as he saw SMG3 streaming. He smiled and joined the stream, glad to watch what his friend was doing.

"Sup scrubs, I'm back with another livestream, and this is a special one because my little Eggdog's birthday is tomorrow!" SMG3 said as he smiled brought up a little picture of him and his son. "So you all get to have the pleasure of watching me make his birthday cake. And while I'm making it, I'll do a Q&A. So feel free to send in your questions and I'll be sure to answer them." He said as he made sure his camera was set up right to show everyone his kitchen set up.

SMG4 picked up his sandwich to start eating, just watching his friend work on the cake and answering the questions that came across on the text to speech donations. He wondered if he should ask something. He noticed he wasn't logged in and moved to log into his dummy account so SMG3 wouldn't know it was him. He was going to use the autofill for his account but ended up spilling his drink, and in a frantic panic to clean it up, he chose the wrong account.

After cleaning up his spilled drink, and getting a new soda in the process, SMG4 came back to SMG3 putting the batter into a greased pan. "-and that's how I got my coffee shop all set up!" SMG3 said as he finished up his story that SMG4 wasn't able to hear. SMG4 watched as SMG3 turned around to put the cake in the oven to cook. SMG4 happened to stare at SMG3's ass as he bent over before getting an idea on what to ask.

SMG4 donated fifty dollars: 'Instead of cake, can I have a piece of that ass?' 

The color drained from SMG4's face as he realized he was logged into the wrong account. "Oh dear god!" He jumped up from his chair and ran out of his room to get to SMG3's place, hoping to god he didn't look at who sent him that donation. He tried to act normal as he walked into the café and into the back to take the elevator down.

SMG3 set the cake in the oven and looked at his computer, a light bit of red on his face. "What?!" He yelled before looking at his computer screen to see the recent donation. "Whoever this person is is gonna get banned so hard that-" He stopped as he read the name of the donator. He went wide eyed before he heard the elevator ding. He snapped his head around to see SMG4 coming into the doorway of his kitchen.

"Hey Three, I was just-"

"Why the hell did you give me fifty bucks to ask for a piece of my ass you pervert?!" SMG3 questioned, making SMG4 look at the ground with a guilty look on his face.

"I was just trying to..." SMG4 started, but was unsure of what he wanted to actually tell him.

"I'm not some kind of hooker where my body is yours to sexualize and use just because you can drop some cash." SMG3 said angrily, getting out a stand mixer from one of his cabinets.

SMG4 rubbed the back of his neck. "I wasn't trying to be like that, I'm sorry. That donation wasn't even supposed to be sent from my actual account anyways. I know you don't get any comments like that so I thought you may want one to show that someone was into you."

SMG3 eyed SMG4 up for a moment before sighing softly. "I guess I can appreciate the fact that you actually watch and engage in my streams enough to try and make me feel special." He stated, crossing his arms over his chest. SMG4 looked up at him. "No more sexualizing me when I'm streaming, got it?"

SMG4 nodded his head. "Okay, I won't." He said before watching SMG3 get out some more ingredients to make a buttercream icing. SMG4 thought about SMG3's words for a moment. "So, wait, I can sexualize you off stream?" He joked, making SMG3 blush before chuckling.

"Sure, whatever makes you happy, but if you're actually wanting to have a piece of me it would cost you way more than fifty bucks." SMG3 said as he got the butter out of the fridge.

"Wouldn't you wanting more money actually make you a hooker though?" SMG4 asked, before a stick of butter came flying at his face.

"Get out of here." SMG3 said, but he wasn't as angry as before and was kind of smiling too. SMG4 rubbed his forehead where he got hit, holding the stick in his other hand. He tossed the stick of butter back to SMG3 before taking off back upstairs, hoping to catch the rest of the stream from behind his screen from now on.

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