SMG3's Sussy Folder (Part 3)

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((Author's note: This chapter is suggested by @03102012B And uh, yeah slight SMUT I seriously don't know how this chapter parts aren't supposed to have smut at this point.))

It had been a few days since Mario and Meggy had seen Smg3 and Smg4 making out in the elevator, and the two of them have been acting strange around each other as well as others since then. It started to worry Mario and Meggy that they had just been too embarrassed around each other to go any further or back to normal. Though, in reality, that wasn't the actual case. The only reason they had been acting so strange was because the duo had gotten some new toys in and were experimenting with them outside of their bedrooms, but Meggy and Mario had no reason to suspect that.

Currently they were inside the castle's kitchen talking with one another when a chipper Smg3 came walking in with Smg4 stepping in behind him. Smg4 was currently sporting a face mask a reddened face. Meggy looked up and blinked. "Smg4, are you sick?" She asked, getting a slow nod from the man in question.

"Yeah, he lost his voice too so don't expect him to say anything." Smg3 chimed in as he set one bag on the counter and put the other in a cabinet for later use. Smg3 moved to make himself and Smg4 lunch as Smg4 sat at the table. Meggy moved and patted Smg4 on the back.

"You'll get better soon, Four." She said before she heard a soft buzzing sound from nearby. "Hey, do you guys hear that?" She asked, which she got a head shake from Smg4 and a verbal no from Smg3. Mario came over to where she stood and nodded.

"Mario hears it too. What the heck is that?" Mario questioned and looked around for the source of the noise. Smg4 laid his head on the table, his hands clenching the fabric of his overalls as he slowly moved his hips in a circular motion hoping the two near him wouldn't notice. He let out a soft whine which was definitely noticed. "Smg4, are you okay?" Mario asked, which Smg4 lifted up his head to show his face had gotten redder and tears began to prick at the corners of his eyes.

Meggy gently touched the top of his head, feeling that he was burning up. "Oh my god, Four, do you have anything to take for this." She asked before seeing Smg4 shake his head no. "Do you have anything hear that you can take to help?" She asked, getting another head shake. "Okay, Mario and I will go get you something. Just hang in there for a little bit okay?" Meggy said before leaving the kitchen with Mario. The door shut behind them and left a silence hanging in the air.

"Go lock the door." Smg3's voice broke the silence. Even though Smg4 wasn't looking at Smg3, he could tell that the latter was smirking. Smg4 slowly got up from his seat on shaky legs, holding the corner of the table to keep him steady. He took a few steps forward and fell on to his hands and knees. He let out a muffled moan and crawled to the door, forcing himself to his feet and locking the door. He breathed heavily and leaned against the door, before feeling strong hands on his hips.

"You are so irresistible when you're desperate like this." Smg3 whispered in his ear, his hot breath on Smg4's skin. "I bet that plug is massaging your prostate right now." He said, kissing his neck and grinding his hips against the other's. His hand snaked around to the front and palmed Smg4's hard cock through his overalls. "If it weren't for that cock ring I made you wear, you would have already came three times wouldn't you?" He teased as he felt Smg4 roll his hips forward into his hand. Smg3 reached up, pulling Smg4's mask down to show off the gag that he was sporting underneath. "You would have given our little game away if it weren't for this gag to keep you silent." He growled playfully before reaching up and tracing the edge of his lips with his finger.

Smg4 whimpered against the gag before feeling Smg3 undo the buckle on the gag. Smg4 panted softly and turned his head to desperately kiss Smg3, clearly needing him. Smg3 turned him around and pinned him to the door. He looked into his eyes as he pulled out his phone. He showed Smg4 three pictures of various things that involved the two of them. "How do you want it?" He asked as he Smg4 looked over the pictures.

"The third one." He panted out before Smg3 picked him up and carried him to the kitchen counter, setting him down before grabbing the bag he had hidden away before. Smg3 pulled out a leash and collar from the bag before securing it to Smg4.

"You're my bitch now." He growl lowly into Smg4's ear as he tugged on the leash, making the other shudder in anticipation. Smg4 was so glad that they were still getting ideas from Smg3's private folder.

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