Drink Or Dare

803 21 13

((Author's note: Credit to @F1shee to this chapter. Also, SMUT as requested!))

It was a dark, stormy night and Smg4 was in his pajamas relaxing in bed. The place was all his own tonight, no one to bug him. At least that's what he thought before he heard a knock at the front door. He got up, walking over to the door and peeking through the peephole to see Smg3 standing outside in the rain. He opened the door and let the sopping wet man come inside. "What are you doing out there this late?" He asked as he closed the door behind him.

"Lost power and because you have that generator set up now I figured I'd come over here until my power came back." He said before he looked down, holding himself. "Can I have a towel? The wind blew my umbrella away while I was walking over here." He asked as Smg4 noticed that he was completely soaked and dripping on to the floor.

"Yeah, should be some in the bathroom. I'll get you some dry clothes." He said before stepping away, hearing Smg3 head towards the bathroom to dry off. He walked to his room and pulled out some black shorts and a white shirt from his dresser before heading to the bathroom. He knocked on the door and saw the door crack open, Smg3 poking his head around to look at Smg4. Smg4 smiled and handed him the clothes.

Smg3 took hold of them. "Thanks." He said before closing the door to get dressed.

"You're welcome." Smg4 said before heading back to his own room. He plopped down on the bed and laid down, picking up his phone to scroll through his phone at some memes. He soon noticed he was being watched and looked up to see Smg3 was in the room. "You want something?" He asked curiously.

"Just wanted to know if you had anything that I could drink." Smg3 said as Smg4 got up from the bed. Smg4 walked to the kitchen and opened the fridge, seeing a few different things available.

"You got anything hard in there?" Smg3 asked from behind Smg4. Smg4 moved a few things out of the way and soon found a large bottle of vodka at the back of the fridge.

He looked at it and saw it wasn't even opened yet. "I don't remember buying this..." Smg4 said before handing the bottle over to Smg3. Smg3 made a face as he looked at the bottle.

"Whipped cream flavored?" He questioned with a raised eyebrow. Smg4 rolled his eyes as he closed the fridge.

"You know you don't have to drink it, but we don't have anything else." Smg4 said before moving to leave the kitchen, but stopped as Smg3 spoke up.

"Hey, why don't we play a little game? Better than you doom scrolling the whole time." Smg3 suggested as Smg4 leaned against the counter in curiosity.

"What do you suggest?" Smg4 asked as he put his phone back in his pocket.

"Ever hear of a game called 'Drink or Dare'?" Smg3 asked as he opened the bottle up.

"I take it instead of telling the truth we drink?" Smg4 asked before receiving a nod. "Fine, I'll play." Smg4 said as Smg3 grinned.

"Sweet. I'll start it off. Drink or dare?"

"Dare." Smg4 stated, not thinking that Smg3 would start it off with anything too bad.

"I dare you to eat five spoonfuls of mustard." Smg3 stated which made Smg4 give a look of disgust.

"Dude, five? That's not fair."

"You picked dare, so you gotta do it."

Smg4 groaned in annoyance before getting a spoon from one of the drawers and taking the bottle of mustard from the fridge. He sighed and poured some on to the spoon. He took in a deep breath and ate the first spoonful. It was so gross straight up by itself. He managed to get it down but had four more to go. By the time he got the fourth one down, he was gagging and nearly threw up. He, by some miracle, swallowed the last spoonful. He coughed and swiped the vodka from Smg3, sucking down an eighth of the bottle to get the taste of mustard out of his mouth. He groaned and shook his head. "Never again." Smg4 stated bluntly before handing the bottle back.

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