SMG4's Browser History

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((Author's note: Sorry for not being able to post anything recently, I've been working a lot and got sick recently. So I have some time to finally update and whatnot. Credit for this chapter idea goes to 03102012B ))

Mario was currently walking into SMG4's room, mainly because he wanted to pull the meme boy out of his room to go have some fun, but didn't see him anywhere. He looked around, only seeing a rather large lump underneath the covers, and just assumed it was Beeg sleeping. He soon noticed that SMG4's computer was left on and walked over, seeing the all too familiar history tab opened up. He remembered what happened the last time he leaked some of SMG4's stuff to the world, but he knew that that wasn't gonna stop him from looking this time. Mario started with the most recent tab.

(Credit to YoshiMan)

Mario looked at the picture for a moment, before laughing. "They really did look better when they looked more like Mario. But If Mario had to be honest, SMG3 does look pretty in a dress." Mario said before closing the tab and looking at the rest of the links. He decided to click on the next link below.

(Credit to LLaBaBosa Art and thank you to Kichimi8 for telling me who the artist is)

Mario couldn't help but to laugh. "Aww, it's adorable." He said as he smiled. "These people are really talented. I just wish there was more me in some of these." He said before moving to click on another tab.

(Credit goes to...I can't read the watermark but it's under SMG3's elbow.)

Mario began to start seeing a pattern with the images that he was coming across lately. He was noticing that all of them were only of SMG3 and SMG4, mainly doing lovey dovey couple things. It made Mario grin with excitement as he realized that SMG4 actually has feelings for SMG3. "Maybe Mario could set up a date for them."

(Credit to Starlight125_ )

Mario blinked and thought just how short SMG3 was. He could have sworn that SMG3 and SMG4 were the same height. "I'll get a ruler next time I see them." Mario said before clicking on another link.

(Credit to Lorian Mah)

Mario laughed at the pose that SMG3 was shown to be in in the photo. "That is very much something SMG3 would do. Hopefully he's getting a good look up SMG4's skirt." Mario joked as he thought about getting a skirt or something for one of them. Maybe that would push one of them to confess their feelings. Maybe SMG4 would confess because Mario knew just how much of a tsundere SMG3 was.

(Credit to _xenathen_ )

Mario took the opportunity to stop browsing the photos and instead got the brilliant idea to send all of the artwork to SMG3 in an email. Mario composed the email, as best as he could with just flooding it with pictures, before sending it off to SMG3. He just wished to see the look on his face when he finds out that SMG4 likes him. Come to think of it, he hasn't seen either SMG3 or SMG4 for the better part of the day.

Mario hummed as he thought back on the last time he saw SMG3 and SMG4. It was late last night in the castle, and the three of them were playing in the game room with some of the others that were still up. They had been playing Smash Bros when things got heated. They were arguing enough that they had to take it to SMG4's room so as to not annoy the people around them. After that, they weren't seen for the rest of the night, so no one really went and got them.

A low groan coming from behind Mario made him turn around slowly, seeing the lump under the covers moving. Slowly a head emerged, revealing a sleeping SMG4. Mario was relieved that it was simply just his friend. He soon walked over and looked at him for a moment. He took in a deep breath. "WAKE UP SLEEPYHEAD!" He yelled, causing SMG4 to bolt upright and look panicked for a moment.

"What the hell Mario?!" SMG4 yelled in his sleep deprived voice. Mario opened his mouth to respond, but stopped as the lump beside SMG4 moved. Out from under the covers came SMG3 whilst rubbing his eyes.

"Can't a guy get any sleep around here...?" SMG3 mumbled tiredly. Mario took note that the two of them were shirtless, and with the idea that they probably did it, he laughed.

"Naughty naughty!" Mario cried out before SMG3 picked up the broken alarm clock from the bedside table and launched at Mario's head, knocking him out cold.

SMG4 sighed softly. "We better get up." He said, but stopped as he was suddenly pulled back on to the bed, SMG3 moving to nuzzle his face into the crook of SMG4's neck.

"Just five more minutes." SMG3 mumbled softly, which SMG4 relaxed and let him be.

SMG4 slowly closed his eyes once more. "Okay, just five more minutes." He said before slowly drifting back to sleep.

((Author's note: I own NONE of the artwork presented in this chapter.))

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