Hare Razing Escapade (Part 1)

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((Author's note: Hey, if any of you guys are interested, I do actually roleplay and have discord if anyone is up for rping SMG34 content. It doesn't have to include smut but it's gotta have a bit more substance than just fluff. I only rp on Discord, I ask that anyone who wants to rp with me be over the age of 18 as I feel it would be weird otherwise, and I don't do script style rp. So just let me know if you guys want and I'll let you guys know my Discord ID.))

SMG3 was busy sorting through the cafe's inventory before the store opened up, planning on ordering more stuff that he would need for later in the week. He hummed as he glanced up and saw an unfamiliar bottle sitting on one of the shelves and picked it up. It seemed that the bottle wasn't too old, but most of the label was worn off aside from an expiration date and the name of it. "Amandi Mutationem, huh?" SMG3 was a little confused on where it could have come from but took it out into the main shop. He grabbed a wine opener and popped the cork off. He brought the bottle up to his nose and smelled it. It smelled sickeningly sweet, but not unpleasant. He wondered if it would taste good in coffee. Not like it wouldn't be poison, right?

SMG3 moved to brew a cup of coffee for himself, putting a little of the bottle's contents into the mug before putting the cork back in. He took a few sips and hummed a little at the taste. It wasn't bad, almost a nutty and fruity taste to it. He soon finished his cup and washed it in the sink before moving to finish his opening tasks. As he was unlocking the front door to the cafe, he felt a sudden sharp pain in his abdomen, causing him to double over. He let out a strangled noise before trying to make it to the bathroom, his vision darkening as he ended up passing out inside.

When he awoke, he noticed everything was dark and he felt off. He knew his eyes were open, but he couldn't see. He stepped forward and felt his head bump into something soft. He blinked and attempted to move it out of the way, getting blasted with light afterwards. He let out a noise of confusion as he noticed everyone was bigger than he was, much bigger. He looked behind him to see what caused him to not have vision, and saw it was his hat, and behind that was his clothes. He hopped over to them to inspect them. Wait, hopped? He looked down at himself and noticed black fur covered every inch that he could see.

Meanwhile, SMG4 was currently showing up at the cafe for his shift. "Hey, Three, I'm here!" He called out to the dark shop. When he didn't receive a reply back, he flipped on the lights and saw almost nothing was done. He looked concerned, maybe SMG3 was sick and he wasn't informed. He moved forward until he heard some noises coming from the bathroom. He walked over and cautiously opened the door, seeing a pile of familiar looking clothes on the ground. He picked them up, seeing that they were SMG3's clothes, but stopped as he heard an almost clicking sound. He turned and saw a decent sized black rabbit with floppy ears sitting in the corner. He frowned, forgetting the clothes and carefully stepping over. "Poor little guy, it's okay. I'm not gonna hurt you." He said, kneeling down and holding out his arms for the scared rabbit.

Immediately the rabbit shot into his arms, burying its face into SMG4's elbow as it shook. SMG4 frowned as he carefully pet the rabbit's back, trying his best to soothe it. "Shh, it's okay. I got you little guy." He said softly as he continued to comfort the poor thing. After a few minutes, it gradually calmed down and seemed to relax. SMG4 sighed and stood up. "Let's get you back outside Mr. Rabbit." He said, making the rabbit freak out and jump out of his arms, going over to the clothes. "Hey, don't be difficult." SMG4 frowned before seeing it jumping up and down on SMG3's hat like it knew something. SMG4 raised an eyebrow as the rabbit got underneath the hat and poked its head out from under it to make it seem like it was wearing it.

SMG4 was feeling a little odd but decided to test something. "Can you understand me? Thump once for yes, twice for no." He said, getting one thump from the rabbit as SMG4 took the hat off of it. "Do you know what happened to SMG3?" He asked, getting another thump in return. "Do you know where he is?" He asked, getting another thump before the rabbit turned and jumped up on to the rim of the toilet, and then the sink. It looked into the mirror, standing on its hind legs and putting its front paws on the mirror. SMG4 could feel the gears turning in his head, and he really didn't like the idea that was coming up. "Are...Are you SMG3?" He asked, the rabbit turning around and looking at him with red eyes. One single thump was heard.

"Oh crap, Three, I'm sorry. I didn't know it was you." SMG4 said, carefully picking up SMG3 in his arms once more, petting him to calm him down. "We'll get to the bottom of this and get you back to normal." He said, moving out of the bathroom and turning off the lights to the store. "Let's just get you back to the castle for right now and get you settled in." He said, feeling bad for his friend who was still shaking like a leaf. He hoped that this wouldn't be a permanent situation for them.

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