Hare Razing Escapade (Final)

451 11 4

SMG3 was sitting inside his bedroom, sitting at his desk and using the small table mirror to look over his bunny ears. He felt like a freak with them on his head, so he tried to tuck them up under his hat, but they simply just flopped out again. He sighed and rubbed his face, wondering if he was just gonna have to cut them off. He shuddered at the thought of being such pain at lobbing off body parts. He took in a deep breath and sighed before resting his head on his arms. He closed his eyes and decided to take a nap, hoping this would just be over when he woke up.

SMG3 slowly woke up later in the day to hands in his hair. "Hey, Three, you awake?" He heard someone asked, making him open his eyes, looking at the mirror and seeing SMG4 messing with his hair. SMG3 huffed a little.

"Yeah, and still feeling miserable." SMG3 admitted as he visibly relaxed when SMG4 gently pet his ears.

"I understand." SMG4 said softly as he watched SMG3 lean into his touch, almost desperate for the affection. "I brought down some coffee to try and cheer you up." He stated, gesturing to the two cups sitting nearby. As SMG4 moved to grab one, SMG3 grabbed his hand to keep it in his hair.

"Keep petting..." SMG3 mumbled as his cheeks turned pink. SMG4 smiled sadly and continued to pet him.

"I guess you got used to this when you were an actual rabbit. Being pet by everyone everyday." SMG4 commented before seeing SMG3 turn around in his chair. He was caught off guard as he was suddenly pulled into a hug, SMG3 resting his head against his chest as he continued to sit.

"I only liked it when you pet me." SMG3 admitted quietly, leaving SMG4 stunned at this little confession. "You were so nice to me, and took care of me the whole time I was a rabbit, even when I didn't deserve it. Bought me a small bed, a heat lamp, food and even played with me." He said as held him close. SMG4 wrapped his arms around him carefully, holding him close. "I'm sorry for being a burden..."

"What? Three, you're not a burden to me. I took care of you because you're my friend and I lo-" He stopped as he realized what he was about to admit. Sure his feelings were new, but it didn't invalidate them. SMG3 looked up at him.

"What were you gonna say?" SMG3 asked as he raised an eyebrow. It was now SMG4's turn to blush as he knew he was gonna have to tell SMG3 how he felt.

SMG4 sighed. "I...I love you..." He mumbled as he looked away from SMG3. He wasn't too sure if he was gonna get shoved away or what, but he closed his eyes and waited for something to happen. When he felt a hand on his cheek, he moved to open his eyes, but kept them shut as he felt a pair of soft lips pressing against his own. SMG4 felt his cheeks get warmer as he relaxed into it, savoring the moment. He slowly pulled back and opened his eyes to look at SMG3, who was just as red in the face as he was.

"I love you too." SMG3 said softly, making SMG4's heart melt. SMG4 looked at SMG3 lovingly for a few moments before noticing something different about him.

"Your ears are gone." SMG4 stated, picking up the mirror to show him. SMG3 looked at his reflection and smiled before jumping up from his chair.

"Finally! I'm all me again!" SMG3 stated happily before hugging SMG4 tightly. "But, how? You kissed me earlier and it only partially changed me back." SMG3 said in confusion.

"Well, there was an article about true loves kiss. Maybe it just didn't work until I realized I had my own feelings for you." SMG4 admitted before picking up the coffee cups from earlier. He handed one to SMG3 and kept one for himself. They clinked glasses together before sipping on them. SMG3 hummed at the taste, finding it strangely familiar.

"Hopefully I don't end up with caffeine shakes from being off the stuff for a few days." SMG3 commented as he finished the cup. SMG4 took the empty cups in one hand when they were done, and SMG3's hand in his other.

"How about we go out? You know, like a date?" SMG4 suggested, which SMG3 smiled and nodded before heading back upstairs via the elevator. When they got back to the cafe level, SMG4 made quick work of watching the cups. Just as they were going to leave, SMG4 doubled over in pain as he held his stomach. "Oh god..." SMG4 mumbled.

"Bro, you okay?" SMG3 asked, before he felt the same pain and had to grip the counter to keep from falling over. He looked forward and saw the bottle that caused his transformation sitting in front of him, uncorked. He went wide eyed. "Four...What did you put in our coffee...?" SMG3 asked worriedly.

"The new syrup bottle on the counter..." SMG4 said, which made SMG3 let out a groan.

"That's not syrup, that's the crap that turned me into a rabbit..." SMG3 stated before sinking to his knees as he could no longer stand from the pain. SMG4 crawled over to him.

"We just have to make out more, right...?" SMG4 chuckled weakly, trying to lighten the mood, only to have his cheek pinched in retaliation for getting them back into this mess.

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