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Homeroom, friday morning

"Oh man... I totally forgot my phone got destroyed yesterday when Thirteen sucked it up.." I whined. "That was my new one too... I kinda just went and bought it when you said my phone bugged that one time I asked you to read a notification for me- or whatever happened."

I said to Izuku, his eyes widened for a moment, seeming as if he'd remembered something. "Oh-oh-yea... That-" He said awkwardly. "I'll have to go grab it before lunch or something... You just threw it in some drawer right? I haven't really touched it to be honest- I was looking for a reason to get a new phone at the time but now I need it again, atleast for the day." I chuckled. "Yea it's in there.." He swallowed. "You okay..?" I asked. "Yea-yea- i'm fine.." He was clearly sweating. "Alright..." 'Weird' I thought.

I turned to Katsuki, "You going to that party tonight?" I whispered, as to not get scolded by Aizawa. "Only because that red-headed idiot is dragging me." My face lit up a bit, "Nice." I tried not to seem too excited about the fact, but I definitely was. I'm not so sure why but... I was just happy to be around him, as boring or annoying as he seems to other people, it's not true. He's fun to me.

Aizawa cleared his throat. "Today we will be going over some drills, since i'm still working on the next lesson, and the principal advised we go over them sometime this week. Now. Who can tell me what went wrong when we had that 'Code three' a couple months back when those reporters tried to enter the school?" Multiple raised their hand quickly, while Momo raised hers silently and politely. "Yaomomo."

"Everyone was far to quick to panic, they scrambled everywhere in the school and just caused blockages in hallways. Which would be a huge issue if the alert really were to be a villian attack, many could be killed quickly just like that." She stuck her finger up as she explained. "Correct."

"Now, i'm here to go over the correct procedures."
Y/N yawned. "There are codes one, two, and three, does anyone know what they all stand for?"

"Y/N" She perked up quickly, caught off guard. "Ye-Yes- a code one is... Uhm... Oh! A code one is when just one, or a few unathorized people come onto school campus."

"Correct, but specifically people who aren't considered threats. Stay awake. Everyone."

"And a code two, when someone, again, or a few people come onto school property with weapons, and a code three, when a large mass of unathorized, potentially armed people or villians manage to get onto school campus. Now, while those were just reporters, you all have to remember that we don't know everyone's intentions of course, so thats why it was a code three."

"Who wants to tell me what we do in those situations, it's the same procedure for all of them." Iida raised his hand, to which Aizawa chose him to answer his question, Iida nodded. "Sir, we are meant to return to our home-room class if not already in it, and remain calm. And only use our quirks if absolutely necessary, like if it were a true code three." He pushed his glasses up.

"Correct. Now we still have about 20 minutes left of class so... There are three worksheets on my desk you can come choose from. Single file line. Finish before the end of class."

Everyone sighed, hoping for a free day, thankfully the worksheets were easy ones, you could pick math 'Ew', the crossword puzzle with tactical questions, or english. Obviously, I chose the crossword and completed it before class ended, like most. I looked to Izuku, who still looked like he was going to be sick, and had not even started on his work...

I wonder what's going on with him exactly... He said he was fine- so maybe he's just got a cold? Maybe he still doesn't feel well after the practicals yesterday, he did get beat up pretty bad, both by Katsuki and All Might, but i'm just glad they were able to actually come together in the end and pass it.

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