"Beggers Can't Be Choosers"

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Katsuki dragged me by my wrist to one of the lunch booths, rather than sitting with our usual group. "What are you doing-" I pleaded, before he jerked my wrist to the side and let go, effectively tossing me into the booth seat, a scarier aura than usual surrounded him as he sat on the other side of me.

"Why were you talking to him."

My eyes widened as a blush crept onto my face, "Izuku..?"

"WHO THE HELL ELSE!?" He shouted.

"I-I just thought he could use some help- is all-"

"Bullshit." Katsuki looked away with his arms crossed.


"You heard me."

"Katsuki I swear-"

"If he's what you want why don't you just go already."

"Katsuki it's not like that- I still haven't decided-"

"Oh so you were already considering being with him again?" He seethed. "I thought you weren't as idiotic as him."

"Katsuki what is it with you and him!?"

"I'm asking you the same thing." He grit his teeth.

"Katsuki..." She sighed. "Wait..." A small smile formed on her lips. "Are you jealous?"

His eyes shot wide open as blush crept onto his face, he quickly stood up at the booth, his palms on the table, he leaned over into her face, making the two merely inches apart. "And why would that be." He growled.  The girl blushed just the same as him now.

"You're just a stupid shitty girl."

"But you said i'm your stupid shitty girl. Remember?"

He went flying back into his seat with his arms crossed at her bold words, refusing to look at her now.

"Are you jealous Katsuki?" She spoke, teasing him at this point.


"Are you?"

"Y/N..." He growled.

"Tell me Katsuki."

"Y/N." He sighed, glancing at her before holding his head down. "You're not allowed to talk to him."

"I'm not allowed!?" She stood up. "I'll do what I want to-" She argued, becoming increasingly more angry.

"You can't date him again." He growled.

"And why not!?"

He sighed. "Because." Y/N sighed before sitting back down again.



He spoke before standing again, about to leave the table, before the girl held his hand to the table, stopping him. "Okay Katsuki- I won't."

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