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"Kirishima! Yaomomo!" I called out waving to them before everyone dispersed to continue their second day of training. "So- iv'e figured out yesterday what I want my ultimate move to be- but- I was wondering about you guys, what you've come up with." I asked, not yet explaining myself.

"Well- i'm working on this move where I harden my entire body at once, essentially making me a bulldozer-" I cut him off, "That's perfect!" I looked to Yayorozu. "You?"

"I'm working on creating multiple things from my body at once, i'm still not too sure of what I want for my ultimate move..."

"Well that's great!"

"What'cha asking us for Y/N?" Kirishima questioned, "Well I know your quirks obviously... And I had this idea I wanted to try- with my new move-"

He sat down criss cross style, me doing the same after him, Yayorozu soon joining, though she sat more politely, on her knees. "So... Uhm..." I began, "The sports festival- that uhm- second form-"

"That's gonna be your ultimate move!?" Kirishima exclaimed, "Well- that- but-" She cleared her throat. "That form... It's very stretchy- but sometimes... Uhm... Gooey? I believe it's only that way because I haven't trained it much, as it's a large strain on my body and quirk." He nodded. "Well, the faster I move the more that form becomes concentrated, the more 'solid' it becomes, so strategically, if I use it to it's advantage, like at the sports fest, my body becomes almost 'solid' and in theory very dangerous to go up against, spinning like that."

"Like a tornado!" Kirishima added. "I see... With the concentrated force you'd be ultimately untouchable." Yayorozu perked up. "But what does this have to do with us?" She asked.

"I wanna train with you guys! For today atleast..." She paused, "Kirishima- you're going for that bulldozer thing, you'd be the perfect opponent against me, so I wanna test it out, and you get to train your ultimate move too!"

"Hey yea- that sounds like a pretty great idea Y/N- not bad-" He gave a thumbs up.

"Y/N i'm not sure..." Yayorozu began, "I'd say yes but... I'm just not sure how i'd use my quirk against you exactly..."

"Sheilds!" I called out, "You could make a bunch of sheilds against me, and increase their durability whenever I break them! It would be great training for you too-"

"Al-alright- yes!" She finally agreed, "But we do have to get permission from Mr. Aizawa first." Kirishima and I nodded in response to her.


"Only one of you can train with Y/N."


The three exclaimed in unison. "It would be too reckless to have all three of you battling at once, and too distracting to take turns, essentially wasting time that could be spent training."

"I guess you're right..." I muttered. "I think you should go with Kirishima." He pointed, "He would make a stronger opponent against you while training his own quirk to the max."

"Yea... Probably..." Yayorozu muttered, her confidence faltering. "You and Yayorozu can train another day, but for now, she needs to work on her creation some more before facing potentially dangerous combat, but Kirishma can widthstand that kind of force you're trying to exploit, but don't get too carried away with it. I don't want any injuries."

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