"Ultimate Moves"

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"I believe iv'e mentioned this already, but your main focus this summer is obtaining provisional hero liscenses." Aizawa began, domineering over his podium.

"Yes sir!"
Most of the class responded in unison.

"Do not take this lightly. A hero liscense means that you're responsible for real, human lives." He cleared his throat. "You can imagine that the exam to receive one is very difficult, only fifty-percent of students pass the tests required for these permits each year."

"It's that hard to get a provithinal lithense?" Mineta interrupted.

"In order to prepare... Today you will concentrate on creating something new... Ultimate moves."

The classroom door came open with perfect timing, revealing cementoss, midnight, and ectoplasm. The class beamed with excitement. "When we say ultimate moves... We mean something that will ensure you win against your opponent. This won't be easy." Ectoplasm spoke as he walked to the front of the class.

"An action so unique to your identity that no other person can hope to copy it." Cementoss piped in. "Simply put, you must learn to lean into your strengths."

"Your moves represent who you are." Midnight spoke next, "These days, most pro's have an ultimate move. Those who don't are fools."

Aizawa cleared his throat before speaking, "This may sound abstract right now, but we'll explain more as the day goes on. For now get into your costumes and meet in Gym Gamma."


"This facility was my idea. We can make special terrain and obstacles for each student here." Cementoss began, whilst raising some concrete to explain his point. "Here you will learn to serve up justice." He said with a smile.

"Question!" Iida raised his hand quickly before shooting it back down to his side. "What is the advantage of having ultimate moves for our provisional exam!? May we know your reasoning!"

"That's two questions. And calm down." Aizawa spoke, "The job of a hero is to save people from all sorts of dangers, crime, accidents, natural disasters or terrorist attacks. Of course, the liscensing exam analyzes how well you're able to deal with such things." He paused.

"But it won't just be fighting. Your ability to gather information and make quick decisions will be judged. I'm addition to how well you communicate, cooperate, and lead others. Every year a new test is used to evaluate these qualities."

"One thing is especially important," Midnight chimed in. "If you want to be a pro, you must be able to prevail in battle, if you're prepared you won't have to worry, and those of you with an ultimate move will have stronger results."

"Your ultimate move doesn't necessarily have to be an attack, take Iida's reciproburst for example." Ectoplasm added. "This sort of temporary speed falls into the category of excellence we're looking for."

"You mean iv'e been doing an ultimate move all along?" Iida stood proudly with his fist to his chest, relishing in what he took as a compliment.

"So basically it's our secret weapon." I mumbled. "There's a smart girl." Midnight winked, "That's exactly what we want to see."

Aizawa cleared his throat, "Now that you're caught up, you'll be working hard to develop powerful moves for the next ten days or so."

"This is how you will spend the rest of your summer vacation."

"Yes sir!"

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