"Serious Talks"

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"So... You're probably wondering why iv'e pulled you aside for lunch..." All Might began, to which I nodded. "I wanna start by saying..." He put his head down to show respect. "Your mother... I know how hard it is." He paused before lifting his head back up. "That's why I wanted to apologize formally, you see... As your teacher, I haven't been telling you the full truth."

"What do you mean?" I questioned, setting my food down. "Young Midoriya. His quirk and mine... Are- Uhm... Very similar you see-" He chuckled, though my expression saddened at the mention of him. "I had a conversation with him some time ago... Tried to tell him this uh... Your relationship... It wouldn't work out in the future."

I raised my eyebrow and cocked my head slightly to the side as I became suspicious.

"But... Our quirks... Similar... I had been training him in secret for quite some time now..." He paused, hesitating his next words. "I mean for him to be my successor, of course this is a secret."

"I-Yea- okay... I won't tell." I nodded.

"And due to this... I fear iv'e somewhat become some sort of uh- father figure for the boy. And that is why iv'e come to apologize to you." He cleared his throat.

"When I told him the relationship wasn't a good idea... I meant for... The late future, when you all are pro's. Ya-Y'know how it goes." He paused. "But I didn't pay enough attention to the now, and things got out of hand regardless."

Suddenly, he dropped to the floor, with his head and hands touching it, bowing to me. "It is with utmost respect that I apologize to you young Y/N, for his behavior that was unchecked by me. The experience that was robbed of you is one that I understand too well and nothing can replace it. I don't expect your forgiveness, but I want you to atleast know that as my student, I care for you immensely and will be here for anything you may ever need from me. And if there is anything. Anything I can do to make it up to you, it will be yours in an instant."

"Woah- All-All Might-" I reached my hand out slightly, as he finally picked his head up from the floor to look at me. "I really- I appreciate your explanation... And- your apology but... I don't know... I'm still really confused right now honestly..." I sighed.

"I need to ask you something myself..."

"Yes of course, anything," He sat up fully now.

"Should I... Forgive him..?"

His head dropped again with a somber look. "I- I don't know to be honest with you..."

"How is he..?"

He sighed. "He's a mess." I nodded.


"Deku." Katsuki furrowed his brows, while putrid hate filled his crimson irises. Izuku sighed. "You brought me out here Kacchan. What is it you want to say?" He spoke bluntly, before averting his gaze off of the blonde. "That you want to fight me? That you finally won?"

"Stay away from her. For once and for all." Katsuki spoke in a calm tone, yet his voice rattled with anger. This caught Izuku's attention, to which he finally looked back up. "I haven't even apologized to her yet-"

"If you would've seen her during those two weeks she was in my dorm you wouldn't be arguing with me right now." He cut him off.

"Have you noticed her dark eyes, her weightloss, her complete change in character?" Izuku remained silent, focused on his words.

"It felt like she died." The boys' eyes widened as the blonde said those words.

"And ontop of that Deku..." He seethed, clenching his jaw as he spoke his next sentence, "She still loves you." He growled, Izuku became teary eyed at his words.

Katsuki closed his fists as his breath hitched. "And if you speak to her ever again..." He chuckled, starting to become slightly unhinged. "I will kill you." He smiled. "You have pushed and tested every little limit I have Deku... You are just... A stupid... Useless... Bug... And I will crush you. Because that shitty girl that I care about so much..." Tears began welling up in Katsuki's eyes as his expression changed.

"She will never be the damn same." His breath hitched. "I hated you before but now..."

"I wish I could destroy you. For real."

"You said... She still loves me..?" Izuku cut in. "Yea. Because that's the kind of person she is. Even after what you did." Katsuki grit his teeth.

"I need to talk to her Kacchan.. It's eating me inside- I-"

Suddenly the boy was grabbed by the collar and slammed against the wall, Katsuki pinning him with his free hand. "Did you not just hear a damn word I said..?" He seethed. "I will kill you."

Izuku coughed, grabbing onto his wrist. "I need her Kacchan- she-she needs me too-" This only pissed him off more, he slammed him into the wall once again.

"It sounds like you need her more than she needs YOU!" He dropped the boy to the ground, to causing his breath to hitch as he coughed and regained his breath again.

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