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Thank you so much for 100k reads on Tainted Devotion. It's my first book which has touched this margin while the story is still ongoing.

Feels like a big achievement!!

Enjoy the treat!!


''What are we celebrating?''

Taehyung questioned staring at the back of Jungkook's head with his blue eyes shining sapphire.

Cassie, Sarah and Minjoon looked at their boss while the ravenette kept standing there in his place unmoving.

The blonde smiled in amusement.

Still watching Jungkook, he stepped ahead before turning towards the other three with a nonchalant smile. "What's going on, guys?''

''Oh... Mr. Jeon is going to be a dad, Mr. Kim. He was inviting us for dinner.'' Cassie smiled widely.

''Really?'' The blonde acted to be surprised before glancing towards Jungkook who was still standing with his back facing to Taehyung. "That's such a good news....'' headded ahead bringing the ravenette out of his thoughts.

Jungkook slowly turned around blinking only to find the blonde smiling at him. His blue eyes shone brightly.

"Congratulations, Mr. Jeon.'' He beamed excitedly with his excited blue eyes peeking into Jungkook's brown, hesitant ones.

''T-Thank you.'' The ravenette stuttered.

Taehyung smiled and looked away from Jungkook and glanced towards the other three. Sarah and Minjoon turned slightly cautious. They have been talking when they should be working.

The blonde ignored their existence and looked back at Jungkook. "Celebrating good news with friends?'' he questioned excitedly. "That's amazing.... Leave the drinks on me... I'll bring them myself.'' He offered.

Jungkook licked his lips and looked away while Sarah looked at Minjoon questioningly. The black-haired male nodded towards the other telling her to wait for a moment while Taehyung watched a silent ravenette struggling internally.

Removing his eyes from Jungkook, he turned towards Cassie with an innocent face. "What time are we expected at Mr. Jeon's place, Cassie?''

The said woman looked at the ravenette.

He hadn't told anything about it.

''Eight.... Eight pm.'' Jungkook replied blinking uncertainly. Taehyung clapped excitedly.

''Great... I'll see you guys at eight then.'' He chirped. "Please remind me about it tomorrow, Cassie.''

''Sure, Mr. Kim.'' The lady nodded in response.

The blonde smiled at Jungkook. Patting his arm, he watched the other flinching at the touch.

Taehyung's eyes went down to the ravenette's arm and he click his tongue subtly in disappointment.

His complaining eyes moved up to the ravenette's brown ones, once again.

''Congratulations once again, Mr. Jeon.'' He wished the ravenette smiling beautifully but that smile vanished as soon as he turned away.

A look of hatred took over his beautiful features. Glaring into nothingness with his blue eyes piercing the air like venom stained arrows, he took out his phone and typed a quick message.

Entering his office, the man dialled Kevin's number who picked on the third ring.

''Tae, I-''

''Get a parcel from Dr. Sehgal for me, Kevin.''

Tainted Devotion (Taekook)Where stories live. Discover now