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''You... You are p-pregnant?''

Jungkook's question left Taehyung halt in his movements. Holding the report and envelope in his hand, the blonde looked into the distance blankly while the ravenette waited his response.

Anticipation filled the silent air in the room.

While Jungkook sat in his place holding his breath, the blonde swallowed visibly and blinked away the emotions which appeared in his blue eyes for a moment. Throwing the reports back onto the bed, Taehyung wiped his face defeatedly and turned towards the other weakly.

The ravenette still watched him stunned.

Taehyung shrugged his shoulder casually while his voice broke slightly as he spoke. "Y-Yeah... I... I mean, you saw the report.'' He chuckled humourlessly looking down at his fidgeting fingers. "I... I am pregnant.''

The mocking edge to his laughter pierced right through Jungkook's already bleeding chest.

The blonde looked into the ravenette's brown gaze where disbelief was shimmering like the water on a full moon night only to look away.

Pointing towards the reports lying on the bed beside the ravenette, he played with his fingers nervously. "You were not supposed to see these. You were not supposed to know anything but.... I... I think things happen for a reason.'' He completed looking at the other.

The two males watched each other in silence. The air in the room thickened with tension. Jungkook's heart thudded erratically inside his chest while the blonde shook his head weakly.

''I didn't want you to know but I think I was wrong." He paused for a moment, his weak voice wavered as he tried to keep his emotions in check.

"...Watching you in this condition for the baby you lost, It feels like I was cheating with you. It... It is such a sensitive topic for you. Hiding something like this from you feel so wrong at this point.'' He paused guiltily while Jungkook's eyes widened even more.

He wasn't the father of the child, was he?

The thought left his mind numb. The ravenette looked at Taehyung holding his breath while trepidation filled him.

This can't be happening.

His insides screamed warning. His gut feeling seemed to have sensed things.

The way Taehyung was looking at him, it was saying everything. The man shook his head as he refused to listen to his sixth sense. That night was just a mistake. That baby....

Jungkook covered his mouth with the back of his hand for a moment as he stopped himself from thinking further. Beads of sweat formed on his forehead while his breathing turned uneven.

Taehyung licked his lips fidgeting with his fingers.

''Y-You have the right to know, at least, that....'' He paused finding it hard to word out while Jungkook sat on the edge of the bed holding the sheets tightly as he struggled internally.

"I am pregnant with your.... with your baby.'' He announced looking down without a warning taking away the last traces of air inside the ravenette's lungs.

The man felt like a wave washing over him.

Only faint sounds could reach him. He was drowning. He was stuck under water. He was trying to breath but it seemed like there was no oxygen left in the room leaving him breathless.

While the blonde waited for the other to say something, Jungkook grappled with his own thoughts and emotions. Taehyung's words rung in his ears on loop.

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