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For the next four days, the blonde didn't leave Jungkook's side. He was fulfilling all the responsibilities of a good friend very nicely. Though the ravenette wasn't talking much but still, Taehyung just sat beside him silently.

The doctors removed the dead tissues from So Hee's body. The woman was unconscious for two days. When she woke up the third day, Jungkook went to meet her but he didn't say anything. He just sat there on the couch by the wall and stared at his hands for the whole time.

Taehyung knew it was the silence before the storm.

Jungkook was a tickling time bomb. So Hee's health was what was keeping him silent.

Taehyung was waiting very patiently. He had all the time anyways. He was enjoying being around Jungkook for now.

He was sitting beside the ravenette again when he saw Jungkook licking his chapped lips. The blonde looked around himself for water only to find none.

Deciding to get a water bottle from the cafeteria on the ground floor, he stood up only to hold the ravenette's shoulder as he felt his surrounding rotating.

It grabbed Jungkook's attention. The man watched the blonde holding his head while closing his eyes momentarily as he saw black.

''You okay?'' Jungkook questioned concerned.

''Yeah.. am... am fine.'' He replied waving his free hand dismissively. Jungkook kept looking at him for a moment blankly making Taehyung smile. "I'll be back in a minute.''

With that, he walked away leaving the ravenette watching his retreating back vacantly. Once Taehyung was out of sight, the ravenette blinked blankly only to feel his eyes stinging with tiredness. The man closed them and rested his head against the wall swallowing as his insides felt empty.

He didn't know what he was feeling.

Or maybe he did.


He rubbed his forehead as it still throbbed lightly like it had been for the four days now. Pushing his hairs back, he opened his eyes to stare at the white ceiling blankly.

Doctors and Nurses along with others kept walking to and fro in the corridor but Jungkook was too lost in his thoughts.

He was brought out of his trance when he felt a presence beside him. The man gazed to his side only to find the blonde uncapping a water bottle. ''Here.... have some water.'' He told the man smiling.

The cheerfulness in Taehyung's blue eyes and the bright smile on his lips made Jungkook's lips curl up themselves. He couldn't stop himself from smiling. Taking the bottle from the blonde, he thanked Taehyung and gulped down more than half of the water in the bottle.

He didn't know he was so thirsty.

''You must be hungry too.'' The blonde reminded him. "Let's go to the cafeteria and get something to eat real quick.'' He suggested sympathetically.

Jungkook capped the water bottle and placed it in the space between them. "I don't feel like eating, Tae...'' he replied giving a weak smile. "You haven't eaten anything from yesterday. Go and eat something....''


''In fact, go home. Freshen up, eat something and take some rest. You need it.''

The blonde shook his head. "I am not going anywhere.''

''I am fine, Tae. You don't need to do it.'' The ravenette tried to make the other understand.

It wasn't like he was talking to Taehyung anyways. The blonde had been sitting there beside him silently. Jungkook didn't feel like moving a finger, let alone speak.

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