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Amelia walks out of her bedroom, down the stairs towards the basement. She sees the door is open and runs down the stairs and sees Elijah's not there. Damon appears behind her

Damon: No she didn't.


Elena is driving her car when her phone rings, she sees Amelia's name flashing and answers it

Amelia: Elena, where are you?

Elena: I'm fine, Melly. I'm with Elijah

Amelia: Where? I'm on my way.

Elena: No, sweetie, Elijah and I need some time alone.

Amelia: Listen to me. He can't be trusted he'll use you to get to Klaus.

Elena: Elijah is a noble man, Melly. He lives by a code of honor. I can trust him. He knows that I'd be incredibly stupid to betray him again. By removing the dagger, I have proven myself.

Amelia: You can't do this alone.

Elena: It's my decision, Melly. Please respect it.

Amelia: Okay. I love you

Elena: I love you

Amelia hangs up her phone.


Katherine is spinning on a swivel chair to amuse herself while music is playing. She gets up opens a cupboard and finds a bottle of bourbon whiskey. She takes it and smiles. She opens it and takes a drink from it and hears someone with her vampire hearing.

The door opens and Amelia walks inside.

Amelia: Kat?

Katherine: Hey

Amelia smiles at her, eyes welling up with happy tears. She takes off running leaping into her arms where Katherine spins her around before placing her back down. She cups her face, kissing her gently on the forehead.

Amelia: I thought you were---

Katherine: No, baby. I would never leave you. What are you doing here?

Amelia: I'm here to save you.

She pulls out a vial of vervain from her purse

Katherine: Is that---

Amelia: Vervain.

Katherine: It's not going to undo anything.

Amelia: Did he tell you to stay in this apartment until he said it was okay to leave?

Katherine goes to speak but finds herself unable to.

Amelia: Drink this and it'll prevent any further compulsion.

Katherine reaches out and takes the vial from Amelia's hand.

Katherine: I was only trying to look out for you, Melly. That's all I ever wanted was to keep you safe.

Amelia: I know.

She wraps her arms around her waist burying her head into her chest, Katherine wraps her up in her arms, kissing her on the side of the head.

Amelia: I love you

Katherine: I love you more.

She lifts the vial to her lips and drinks the vervain.

Katherine: I'll be home soon

Amelia nods her head, leaning up on her tip toes pecking her softly on the lips before leaving the apartment.

She closes the door and leans against it and breaks down sobbing. Katherine hears her cries as a lone tear rolls down her cheek.


Elena closes the door as the second she turns, Amelia tackles her in a bone crushing hug. Elena smiles as she wraps her up in her arms

Amelia: Is Jenna gonna be okay?

Elena: She's in shock. I tried to tell her as much as I could, but I barely scratched the surface.

Amelia: I'm so sorry, Elena. I hate this.

Elena: It's not your fault, sweetheart. It's mine. Anyway...I have to go back to Elijah.

Amelia: Wait, what? No, no!

Elena: Baby, I promised him that I would return. I can't break that promise.

Amelia: Okay.

Elena smiles, cupping her face and kisses her forehead

Elena: I'll be back as soon as I can. I love you

Amelia: I love you


Amelia is sitting on the couch nervously looking down at her tablet. Damon watches her with a sad expression when Stefan walks into the room, Damon hands him a drink.

The door opens and they see Elena entering with Elijah behind her.

Damon: Now you've invited him in?

Elena: Elijah and I have renewed the terms of our deal.

Damon: Really?

Elijah: The three of you will come to no harm at my hands. I only ask for one thing in return.

Damon: What?

Elijah: An apology.

Damon: A what?

Stefan walks closer to them.

Stefan: I'm sorry for the part that I played in your death. I was protecting Elena. I will always protect Elena.

Elijah: I understand.

All eyes moves to Amelia who's glaring at Elijah

Elena: The sacrifice is going to happen, Melly. Bonnie will be able to kill Klaus without hurting herself and Elijah knows how to save my life. I told you I'd find another way. And I did.

Damon: Is that true?

Elijah: It is.

Amelia: Are you trusting him?

Elena: I am.

Amelia: Fine! I'm sorry

Damon: Go suck a lemon.

He downs his drink and walks out of the room.


Maddox and Greta are on their knees casting a spell. There are lit candles all around them. Klaus/Alaric is standing next to the box, his head bowed and eyes closed. Katherine is looking at them. They stop and look at Alaric. He opens his eyes and looks at Katherine.

Maddox and Greta: Phasmatos Tribum, Nas Ex Veras, Uenes Phasmatos Et Sonos. Ex Tutam Exum Lamia Matus.

Alaric: Elena?

He collapses. Maddox stands up and opens the box. Klaus walks out of it and looks down at Alaric.

Klaus: Now that's more like it.

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