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Amelia and Elena are cooking in the kitchen. Elena looks down noticing the engagement ring on Amelia's finger.

Elena: Damn it!

Amelia: What?

Elena: Katherine beat me to it

Amelia: Beat you to what?

Elena: Asking you to marry me, sweetheart.

Amelia: We can still get married, babe

Elena: I know that, sweetheart. Call me slightly jealous

Amelia smiles pecking her on the cheek

Amelia: Do we have to cook chili? I can never get it right for some reason.

Elena: It's an old family recipe, okay?

Amelia: Yeah but yours is horrible

Elena moves behind her wrapping her arms around her waist, pressing her lips to her neck working them up to her ear nibbling at her earlobe. Amelia only moans in response.

Elena: Make room for more engagement rings, baby. Cause mine's coming

Amelia smiles over her shoulder as their lips meet in a loving gentle kiss.


Liz, Katherine, and Damon are walking through the square

Damon: So Mayor Lockwood called your gay ex-husband to torture your vampire daughter?

Sheriff Forbes: Yes. I've been keeping him detained to make sure the vervain's out of his system. So you could, you know...

She points to her eyes

Katherine: Can't we just kill him?

Liz: No, he's still Caroline's father, Katherine

Damon: He sounds like a douchebag to us.

Liz: Yeah, well, just 'cause you and I are on OK terms doesn't mean that I'm suddenly a big advocate for your "lifestyle."

Damon: Is that what you told him when you two got divorced?


They enter the cellar where Bill is tied to the chair and has duct tape on his mouth. Damon removes it.

Bill: You brought two more vampires into this?

Liz: It's the best thing for all of us, Bill.

Damon: So, Bill, I hear you're into the whole daddy-daughter vampire torture thing.

Bill: I was trying to help her.

Katherine: Actually Melly happens to like blondie just the way she is and with what you did, I had to hold Melly all night because she was afraid

Damon: And that's all your fault, fuckstick.

Katherine bites him on the neck drinking some of his blood

Katherine: Yep he's good.

Liz: Just erase his memory

Damon: So, Bill, I have a question. What makes you think that you can change the basic nature of a vampire?

Bill: The mind's a powerful tool. It can be trained and retrained. You just have to be strong enough.

Damon: Oh, yeah? I completely agree. I actually happen to love mind control, myself.

He grabs his face and compels him.

Damon: You will leave town immediately. All you remember is you came to bring your daughter back-to-school shopping.

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