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Amelia in wolf form, growls and snarls at Caroline who is on the other side of the iron gate. Caroline is holding the gate shut.

Amelia starts to attack, fitting her snout through the bars of the gate and snapping and snarling. Caroline flinches but holds the gate steady.

Suddenly a gun shot rings out making Amelia yelp in pain. Matt walks down into the cellar. He shoots her again

Caroline: Matt, no, it's Melly. It's Melly.

Matt: It's trying to kill us!

Caroline: Wait!

Amelia is lying on the ground, panting heavily.

Caroline: She's hurt

Matt: Caroline, stay back

Caroline begins to unlock the gate.

Caroline: We can go around her

Matt: Are you nuts?

Caroline: You're not going to shoot my girl again, okay? Okay. Matt, take my hand.

Caroline extends her hand towards Matt as she opens the gate and walks out. Matt continues to point the gun at Amelia

Matt: I got it.

Caroline: [looking back] Matt, take my hand.

Matt finally complies and places the rifle over his shoulder. He takes Caroline's hand and she vamp-speeds the two of them out of the cellar.


Matt points the gun at the door. Caroline gets up and pushes the barrel of the gun down.

Caroline: Don't. Don't shoot.

Caroline rushes over to the front doors.

Matt: What the hell are you doing?

Caroline peers through the glass in the front doors and sees Amelia lying, naked, on the front porch. She walks back towards Matt.

Caroline: [extending her hand] Give me your jacket.

Matt: What?

Caroline: Your jacket, take it off.

Matt frantically takes his jacket off and hands it to Caroline. She grabs it and opens the front doors. Matt follows behind her. Caroline kneels down next to Amelia and places the jacket around her naked body

Caroline: Are you okay, my love?

She runs her fingers through her hair

Amelia: Care?

Caroline: It's okay. It's okay.

She presses her lips to her forehead.

Caroline: You're okay. You're safe now. I'm here, my love. I'm here.


Amelia is wrapped up in a blanket sleeping on the couch in the study, Caroline sits down beside her running her fingers through her hair

Caroline: Hey

Amelia pulls the blanket down and groans. She looks at the rifle wound.

Caroline: Ooh, yeah, you got shot. But it's healing.

Amelia sits up, groaning slightly

Amelia: I didn't hurt anyone?

Caroline: You're safe now. That's all that matters, darling.

Amelia: That's the second time I tried to kill you

Caroline: No relationship is perfect.

Amelia smiles as she feels Caroline's hand on her cheek rubbing her thumb across her cheek.

Amelia wraps the blanket around both of them and buries her head in her chest, Caroline wraps her arms around her kissing her on the top of the head.

Amelia: Thank you for taking care of me

Caroline: You're welcome.

Amelia: I love you

Caroline: I love you too, my love.


Elena is placing her earrings in. She looks at the pictures surrounding the frame of her mirror, which include one of her parents and one of Jenna. Amelia walks into the room and wraps her arms around her, Elena wraps her arms around her and embraces her tightly

Elena: I'm almost ready.

Amelia doesn't say a word as she purrs happily making Elena chuckle.

Amelia: Take your time

Elena lifts her chin up with her finger and cups her face in her hands pressing their lips together. Amelia smiles moving her lips against hers.

Elena: I made you a promise and now we can start our lives together, darling

Amelia: I love you

Elena smiles tilting her head down kissing her softly on the forehead

Elena: I love you more, darling.

Mate Bonds जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें