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Amelia is sitting on the couch playing with Mr. Moo while Elena is hitting a dummy wearing punching gloves.

Katherine is going through the photos at the desk.

Katherine: "Ghost of Christmas Past" Mason Lockwood set up the cave and led us to a weapon that can kill Klaus.

Elena: Yeah, but doesn't Mikael have a weapon?

Katherine: Yes. Which probably means the wall will lead us to Mikael, who we have already found...and lost.

Elena walks over to the couch and plops down beside Amelia, nibbling at her neck making her giggle

Amelia: Elena, stop it!

Elena: These images at the very least might tell us what that weapon is.

Amelia: Then all we have to do is find out what they mean.

Katherine: How do you suppose we do that, baby girl?

Amelia: Well we happen to have an Original living here. I could---

Elena and Katherine: NO!!

Amelia: But---

Elena: I'll go. No way in hell are we letting you anywhere near that bitch

Amelia smiles rolling her eyes as she nuzzles into Elena's chest, Katherine walks over and sits down on her other side, rubbing her hand on her back


Rebekah is with the rest of the cheerleading squad at practice, doing a series of gymnastic moves, when Elena walks up to her.

Rebekah: You! Goody.

Elena: I was hoping we could talk.

Rebekah: About what? Your adorable girlfriend who got the short end of the stick by being mated to two doppelganger whores?

Elena: Actually, I'd rather talk about this.

She holds up a photo of Rebekah's name written in Runic on the cave wall.

Elena: I'm curious why you and Klaus have spent a thousand years running from your father.

Rebekah: I should get back to the girls. Homecoming's right around the corner.

She turns to leave.

Elena: Well then, maybe I'll ask Mikael when we wake him.

Rebekah: [stops and turns around] You're bluffing! You don't know where he is. No one does.

Elena: So, then who's rotting in that old cemetery in Charlotte?

Rebekah: If you wake Mikael, we are all doomed!

Elena: So then, tell me.

Rebekah: Why do you want to know?

Elena: Why don't you want me to wake him?

Rebekah: I need to get back to the girls.

Rebekah turns and walks back towards the squad, shaken by what she's heard.


Elena and Amelia are in the stairwell. Elena has her arms wrapped around Amelia who has her face nuzzled into her chest.

Elena: She's going to tell me. She's scared of him, Melly. I saw her face. I just have to engage in a little "mean girl" power struggle first.

Amelia: Make sure she doesn't kill you

Elena: I've got this, baby. If we can figure out a way to kill Klaus, Stefan will be free of his compulsion.

She lifts Amelia's head and looks down at her, seeing tears in her eyes. She presses her lips to her forehead.

Elena: I love you, darling

Amelia: I love you too.

Elena receives a text message: "Come over for a chat. Rebekah"

Elena: She's a thousand-year-old vampire, who's joined the cheerleader squad...There is a whole different set of rules that play here, Melly. I got this.

Amelia worriedly nods her head as Elena presses their lips together in a warm loving kiss. Amelia tangles her fingers in her hair moaning into the kiss.


Katherine and Amelia walks into the Grill hand in hand

Katherine: What do you want?

Amelia: I wouldn't say no to a milkshake

Katherine: Coming right up, baby girl

She walks away while Amelia sits down at a table and clutches Mr. Moo tightly against her chest, she looks down at her other three mate bonds on her wrist; L.P, M.L, and N.H


Elena walks out of her bathroom in her sleeping clothes, she smiles when she sees Amelia laying down on her bed. She lays down and turns on her side, tugging her bottom lip with her finger.

Amelia smiles burying her head deeper into the pillow.

Elena: They got Mikael

Amelia: What? How?

Elena: I don't know but they got him. Plan's in motion.

Amelia: I just want to go to bed. I'm sleepy

She nuzzles closer into her chest, Elena wraps her arms around her kissing her on the forehead. Amelia purrs happily in her arms while Elena runs her fingers through her hair

Amelia: I love you, Elena

Elena: I love you more, darling.

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