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Construction workers are restoring the Wickery Bridge, and townspeople are there for the restoration fundraiser. Katherine and Amelia arrives, hands linked together

Katherine: Rebekah's up to something. She's been snooping around in places she shouldn't be.

Amelia: Tell me again, why are we here?

Katherine: Sweetie, the world doesn't stop because of everything going on.

Amelia leans up on her tip toes planting her lips on Katherine who smiles, reaching her hands up cupping her face kissing her back.


Elena holds a book in her hand, walks up to Amelia and wraps her arms around her waist from behind, resting her chin on her shoulder and whispers in her ear

Elena: Hey darling.

Amelia: Hey

Elena: I just came by to pick up this book that you found, on my ancestor, Samantha.

Amelia: That's fine.

Elena: How are you doing?

Amelia: I'm fine. I'm fine. Do you have everything you need?

Elena: Yeah. Well, if there's anything I can do to help.

She nibbles at her earlobe earning a moan from Amelia who bites down on her bottom lip.

Amelia: E-Elena----

Elena: Hmm?

She trails her lips down to her neck while sliding her hands up her chest


Jamie is chopping wood with an ax. Caroline walks up to him.

Caroline: Haven't seen you up at the house. Abby's been asking for you.

Jamie: I've been pretty busy.

Caroline bends down to pick up some of the wood.

Jamie: Hey, hey!

She stands up, startled.

Jamie: Stay away from me!

Caroline: Easy! I was just gonna help you carry the fire wood up. You're scared of her.

Jamie: She's a vampire.

Caroline: She needs to feel connected to the people she loves. She needs to feel normal right now.

Jamie: She's not normal. None of this is normal!

Caroline: Well, Abby didn't choose this, this was forced on her. She could have let herself die, but she didn't. She's trying to make this work so she can be there for you and for Bonnie. So.....

Caroline's phone starts to ring.

Caroline: So, just get over yourself, okay?

She walks away and answers her phone.

Caroline: Hey, pudding, what's up?

Amelia: How's Bonnie doing?

Caroline: She's still mad and seriously Abby's transition has been a little rough, so she's got a lot on her mind.

Amelia: I know. I miss you, Care.

Caroline: I miss you too, babygirl.

Amelia: When are you coming home?

Caroline: I'll be home before you know it and we'll have all the cuddles your little heart desires. Until then, I love you

Amelia: I love you too.


Katherine and Amelia are laying underneath the blankets. Katherine has her arm wrapped around Amelia's waist spooning her from behind. Amelia is clutching Mr. Moo tightly against her chest, eyes closed, softly snoring.

Katherine leans over and smiles down at the sleeping girl, she pecks her on the cheek.

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