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Amelia smiles peppering kisses all over Elena's face making her open her eyes wrapping her arm around her pulling her closer to her

Elena: Morning, sweetheart

Amelia: Good morning.

They peck each other on the lips.

Elena: How you doing today?

Amelia: I'm good. For the first time I'm so so happy.

She slides her hand down to her stomach rubbing circles over it with a big happy smile

Amelia: I'm pregnant.

Elena: And then we can have one of our own, Melly.

Amelia smiles at her with a loving look, Elena presses her lips to her forehead.

Amelia: I love you

Elena: I love you more, darling


Elijah opens the door. Stefan, Katherine, and Damon are standing outside.

Elijah: Niklaus, our guests have arrived.

Klaus: Damon. Katerina. Stefan. Elijah tells me, you seek an audience. Very bold. Let's discuss the terms of our agreement like civilized men and lady, shall we?

They are standing in the dining room. The table is set and there's food on it. Two female servants are standing in the room.

Elijah: It's better to indulge him.

Stefan: I didn't come here to eat, Klaus. Fact, I didn't want to come here at all. But I was told I had to cause you would hear us out.

Klaus: Well, we can sit and eat or I can reach down your throats and pull out your insides. The choice is yours.

Katherine: Or I could hold you down and ram my boot up your ass. The choice is yours

They sit at the table and everyone except Stefan eats and drinks. One of the servants pours Damon some wine.

Damon: Thank you, love.

Klaus: You lost your appetite.

Katherine: Eat. I thought we agreed that we would leave the grumpy Stefan at home.

Klaus: That's the spirit. Isn't it nice? Five of us dining together? Such a treat. Is this what you had in mind when you pulled the dagger from my brother?

Damon: Well, I know how he felt about you, so I figured the more, the merrier.

Klaus: Well, Elijah and I have had our share of quarrels over the century. But we always make it through.

Stefan: Kind of like you and Rebekah, right? Where is she, by the way? Last I checked she was still daggered because you were afraid to face her.

Klaus: If you're referring to the fact that Rebekah knows I killed our mother, I've already come clean to Elijah.

Damon: Hey, Stef, remember when you killed dad? Might want to dial down the judgment until dessert.

Stefan: We're here to make a deal, Damon. Doesn't mean we need to kiss his ass for seven courses.

Damon: I'm just saying we have a long evening ahead of us. Pace yourself.

Katherine: Eat your food and shut the fuck up already.

Elijah: Katerina, where is the lovely Amelia tonight?

Katherine: Doesn't want to be anywhere around your hybrid brother

Klaus: Where is the beautiful Caroline?

Katherine: None of your business, that's what.

Klaus: Ah the allure of the soulmate bond. What do you say, brother? Should we tell them about Tatia?

Elijah: Now why should we discuss matters long since resolved?

Klaus: Given Katerina, Elena, and Caroline's love for Amelia, I think our guests might be curious to learn about the originator of the Petrova line.

Damon: Well, we're not going anywhere Elijah. Please, do tell.

Katherine takes a sip of her wine.

Elijah: When our family first settled here, there was a girl named Tatia. She was an exquisite beauty. Every boy of age desired to be her suitor, even though she'd had a child by another man. And none loved her more than Niklaus.

Klaus: I'd say there was one who loved her at least as much.

Stefan: Wait a minute. So you both loved the same girl?

Elijah: Our mother was a very powerful witch. She sought to end our feud over Tatia and so she took her. Klaus and I would later learn that it was Tatia's blood that we consumed in the wine on the night where our mother performed the spell which turned us into vampires. Tatia wouldn't make a decision between the two of us, so for a time Niklaus and I...grew estranged. Harsh words were traded, we even came to blows, didn't we, brother?

Klaus: But in the end we realized the sacred bond of family.

Elijah: Family above all.

Elijah and Klaus raise their glasses.

Klaus: Family above all.

They clink their glasses together.

Elijah: So, why don't we move this evening along and discuss the terms of this proposal?

Katherine: That's very simple. Klaus gets his coffin back, in exchange, he and the Original extended family leave Mystic Falls forever. Everyone live happily ever after. No grudges.

Elijah: The deal sounds fair, brother.

Klaus: I don't think you understand. Elena's doppelgänger blood insures that I will always have more hybrids to fight those that oppose me. I will never leave her behind.

He stands up and begins to pace

Klaus: Let's say I do leave Elena here under your protection, how long until she turns into a vampire because of this fending? And the worst thing for Caroline having to share the one she's supposed to be with. She should be with me where I can truly put her first

Damon: Well touch luck, Blondie's too obsessed with Melly for even give you the time of day

Klaus: We'll see about that, won't we? I believe the soulmate bond is simply a suggestion on who you're supposed to be with and I aim to show Caroline I am the one for her.

Damon and Katherine both rolls their eyes in annoyance.


Amelia enters the room finding Caroling crying, she wraps her arms around her waist as Caroline wraps her arms around kissing her on the side of the head holding her tightly.

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