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Katherine turns over on her side seeing Amelia sleeping soundly beside her, she leans in closer peppering her face with sweet kisses making her open her eyes

Amelia: Good morning

Katherine: Morning, baby girl. Sleep well?

Amelia nuzzles in closer to her, Katherine wraps her arm around her and kisses her forehead.


Bonnie is sitting on the bed with her grimoire and a tray before her containing three lit candles and a bowl in which she is burning sage while Amelia sits beside her, her attention on her tablet.

Elena: He was gloating and he slept with that bitch.

Caroline enters the room.

Caroline: It's not working. I can hear every word you're saying about Damon, the vampire gigolo.

Bonnie: I don't know, it's a tricky spell.

Elena: When Esther did it, she kept the sage burning. There was a lot more smoke.

Bonnie: Alright, try it again

Amelia doesn't look up from her tablet as Caroline leaves the room.

Elena snaps her fingers in front of Amelia's face making her jump in fright

Amelia: What?

Elena: Whatcha you doing?

Amelia: Nothing.

Bonnie: Speaking of Esther, you should know that she came to see me and Abby this morning.

Elena: And all this time you let me vent about Damon?

Bonnie: I don't want you to worry.

Amelia: What did she want?

She stands up and approaches Elena, wrapping her arms around her waist while Elena wraps her arms around her resting her head on top of hers.

Bonnie: She wanted to introduce herself. Abby and I helped bring her back. She's channeling our entire ancestral bloodline for power. I think she thought she was being polite.

Elena: Okay, well, is there a way to stop her from channeling you?

Bonnie: Even if there was, why would I want that?

Elena: I just keep thinking....Before the sun and the moon ritual, Elijah found a way to keep me alive. And now I'm in exactly the same position and I'm just gonna let him die? It just doesn't feel right.

Amelia: Why would you want that? And you're not doing anything, Esther is

Caroline walks back into the room

Caroline: Melly's right, Elena.

Bonnie: There's no time to change your mind, Elena. He'll be dead by the end of the night.

Elena: What?

Bonnie: It's a full moon. Esther needs to harness the energy of a celestial event. She asked me and Abby to join her.

Amelia: As long as Klaus dies then it's good with me. Does that make me a bad person?

Caroline: No, my love. That doesn't make you a bad person

Elena: Not in the slightest, darling. You're nowhere near a bad person.


Elena is walking around in the underground tunnels, trying to find a way out. She thinks she sees a way when Rebekah appears, blocking her escape.

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