.ignorance is bliss.

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.i miss you every day. but today it feels like everything i do is just here to remind me that i am living without you.

Dumbledore's words haunted me for weeks

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Dumbledore's words haunted me for weeks.

'I dare say Voldemort would have more reason to choose your baby than any other.' He had said, and the very thought filled me with such a sickening dread that I could hardly think straight.

As much as I hated to admit it, he was right, and that was the truly terrifying part. If the Dark Lord found out I was with child, he would kill us. He might be reluctant to kill me-I was of use to him-but the child would be as good as dead. If however, he found out about my betrayal, he wouldn't hesitate in the slightest to kill us both.

Deep down, I knew that I there was a very easy solution to my problem.

If the baby was a girl, then none of this mattered. The prophecy only spoke of a boy. There was a fifty-fifty chance. But I couldn't bear the idea of going and being examined.

"I thought I might find you here." A familiar voice pulled me from my stupor.

I whipped around, so startled that I nearly fell off of the stool. A strong arm reached out to steady me, as Sirius Black shot me a roguish grin.

"What are you doing here?" I exclaimed, scanning the room. The Three Broomsticks wasn't swarming with people, but there were enough there who could spot me with him. With no one knowing who had pledged their loyalty to The Dark Lord, it was risky for him to be out and about, as he was one of the most hunted Order members.

"Trying to find you." He simply shrugged, and slid onto the stool next to mine.

"Why?" I demanded, feeling panic start to settle in. "It's dangerous for you to be out and about." Anyone here could report his whereabouts. Just because we were close to Hogwarts didn't mean he was entirely safe.

"I'll risk it." He smiled again, and ordered an ale from the bartender.

I sat back and studied him for a moment. He looked better than the last time I'd seen him. There was more life in him. But his eyes were still dark and sad. I could see the sorrow in those gray storms.

"Why are you here?" I asked, suspiciously. He likely had much more important things to do with his time than grace me with a visit.

His smile slipped for a moment.

"Professor Dumbledore wrote to me." His voice had lost all of its playfulness. The serious tone had the hair on my arms standing up.

"I didn't think that was out of the ordinary." I replied, trying to rid myself of the unease.

Sirius scrutinized me for a few seconds, his dark eyes bored into me, as if they were searching for the secrets I buried deep inside of my soul.

"He told me you haven't been in to see Madam Pomfrey to check on the baby." He said slowly, as if he knew that the comment would anger me.

Love, Life, And Lies- Regulus BlackWhere stories live. Discover now