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"Johnnie look out!" 

JOHNNIE ducked, Gun shots echoing throughout the streets. Zombie bodies are everywhere, wherever they went, there had to be at least 7 zombie heads blown out on the floor. It was disgusting, But now that was the start of their new life. 

"I just saved your ass, your welcome." Tara said walking towards him, "How long is this zombie apocalypse gonna last?" Johnnie said ruffling his hair.

"The news said 2 more weeks.." Jake said coming out of the dark. "Jake? I thought you were dead dude, what the fuck happened?" Johnnie said coming closer to him and punching him on the shoulder. 

"Ow! Stop," he emphasized stop with a deep voice. Tara laughed also hitting him in the shoulder. "Stop. Turns out Sam and Colby are dead, uh, the doctors said they were coming up with a cure, so I had to bring their bodies in these little boxes for testing." He said showing the boxes he was carrying with the cart. 

"It's us against the world baby.." Johnnie said smirking. "Oh my god shut the fuck up.." Tara says rubbing her temples, "Can we just like go home already? I'm like starving and I feel nauseous looking at zombie's guts all over the place." 

Jake grabs the cart. "Alright, y'all heard the passenger princess, let's get on the roll. Wait, which way are we going?" 

"Goddamnit Jake!" They both screamed. 

"What? oh shit right, I had the map," he said pulling out the map from his pocket. "I get that there's a zombie apocalypse but did they really have to fucking cut the service? like Jesus Christ.." Johnnie rolled his eyes.  

"I mean, I like it, fits the zombie aesthetic," Tara said spinning around. Johnnie and Jake both gave each other the side eye. 

"Alright fuck both of you. Yall both try being tarayummy for a day and see what thats like," she said folding her arms. They both gave each other a side eye again. "Ugh, oh my god. Can we just go already?" Tara said pointing towards the direction of the house. 

"Yeah... Sure" Johnnie said going in that direction. "Oh no Johnnie, the directions say to go the other way." 

Johnnie stopped in his direction and went back to where they were both standing "Tara's right, fuck you Jake." 

"Wow.." He said shaking his head disappointingly as they all walked down the street. 


𝐈𝐍𝐅𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐃. 𝐉𝐎𝐇𝐍𝐍𝐈𝐄 𝐱 𝐉𝐀𝐊𝐄 | 𝐁𝐗𝐁Where stories live. Discover now