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IT'S been 3 days since me and Johnnie were dating and things haven't been that bad, but he's just been feeling more and more weird. I can't describe it, whenever I brush up against someone it gives me a feeling of hungriness and also a pleasurable satisfaction. It's weird, but not a bad feeling. It's just, weird. I will tell everyone to ignore me before everything starts to go haywire. 

I just noticed that I'm not that friendly I only hang out with a few sets of people so I should be fine with being alone, but Johnnie would just be near him all the fucking time. like I get that we are dating but sometimes I just need personal space.

Today got especially bad. Johnnie got so close to me because we were hugging and cuddling and all that stuff, but on some alpha shit, I can smell, what do you call that? Pheromones? The doctor said that would be a little bit of a problem for me, but it is also useful when defending zombies because it makes other zombies go away cause of the medicine I'm taking since I recently got another one. 

and he smelt, delicious. 

It's making me sound like a vampire more than anything, but every time I get close to his dark blackened hair all I can smell is hair dye, mint shampoo, and blood. This should not be a good combo, but it is apparently, it's like, I can breathe in it all day. Like this is the new air I have to breathe into.  It makes me crave more. 

"Oh, ew, Jake why is your spit in my hair-- what are you doing?" he said pulling out his spit, only to catch me drooling all over him. "Jake that's fucking disgusting." he said wiping the spit away from his hair leaning on the back side of the bed. "Sorry," I stated, wiping it from his chin and mouth. 

"You need to control your habits I swear." He stated, typing some random stuff on his phone. I frowned. The scent went away again. He couldn't take this anymore.

 I pounced on him sniffing and sucking on his neck, "F-Fuck, Jake, get the fuck ngh-" he tried gripping my waist to move him away but it wouldn't work. I was too strong and was taller than him so there would be no possible way to remove me. "Johnnie.." I panted. Johnnie swore he saw his eyes glowing yellow. "What.." he looked up at him eyes hazy.

"I want more.." I unbuttoned his pleated black shirt away from his body. "Okay, now Jake what the fuck is wrong with you," he said pushing his hand away. "I just, I-Im sorry.." I said getting off of him. "Why are you acting like that? Is the medicine not working or something?" he asked. "No, it is, I think, It's probably just me. I'm sorry." I said turning away from him. 

"You have to tell me what's going on." I covered my nose as he tried to get close, smelling his pheromones again. "you're too close," I said muffled. "Back up a bit," Johnnie smirked. "It's not a surprise that my pheromones attract you so.." Johnnie scoots closer to me as if he can't get close enough. "Johnnie. Back, the fuck, up." 

"And what if I don't?" I felt my face go red. "That's my line shitface," I stated as I rolled my eyes at him. "And unlike some people, I have decent self-control when it comes to this," I spoke with my mouth and nose covered. 

Johnnie tried to move my hand but I wouldn't budge, I felt it getting hot in here by the second. I was sweating so much tears were rolling down my face by the second, it hurt so bad and I didn't know what was going on. I tilted my head back and groaned. Johnnie blushed. "Oh, fuck I didn't know it was this bad. Sorry." He said stepping back. 

I gripped him by his shirt, pulling him back to the bed. His knee was in between my legs but I don't think he noticed. I smirked while drool dripped down my chin again. "Dont give me your shitty apology, I want you, to fucking take care of it." 

𝐈𝐍𝐅𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐃. 𝐉𝐎𝐇𝐍𝐍𝐈𝐄 𝐱 𝐉𝐀𝐊𝐄 | 𝐁𝐗𝐁Where stories live. Discover now