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Falco and Peppy ran as fast as they could as blaster shots whizzed by their heads, at the end of the steel hall they both dived into a giant warehouse and ran towards the other end.

"There is no escape from Count Tap-an, the most feard ruler in the universe" shot the guards.

Falco and Peppy were hiding behind crates and fired back through incoming beams.

"We gotta get outta here Peppy"
"Here, use this before I blow the doors open"
"Are you crazy we will be blasted out into space"
"I know but so will they"
"Are you sure these work"
"They are prototypes"

Falco put on the white glove Peppy gave him and it magnetized his hand to the steel floor, the giant doors behind them exploded in flame and everyone was sucked out into space...

"How are you going to fix the hole in the doors"? yelled Falco
"I never thought about that!!!" Peppy yelled back, as his hand stayed stuck in place.

An Awing appeared at the giant hole and Slippy Toad was the pilot.

"I will save you guys" said Slippy.
"I knew he would say that" said Peppy
"This is all your fault Peppy, this is the second time he is saving us".

Team Star Fox A/Z Origins The Lightning bolt that went across the Universe UltraOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz