Space Operation

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A day later and Star Fox was given the go ahead, a Search and Rescue operation.
The 'Deep Space Command Ship' was only put into service when extreme conditions were met, it was kept hidden at a secret location.
The Outpost was just up ahead, it lay on the rim of the Lylat System and secretely monitored anything unusual. This only happened when it was in operation but because the Lylat System had a period of peace it was shut down, outlaws, mercs, scavengers, hoodlums, thieves, crooks and everyone who was up to no good were no longer in the Lylat system,  but they still had buyers and family.

"There it is" said Fox.
"How did you get permission to get the D.S.C.S Fox"? asked Slippy.
"I just told S.C you were such a nice guy Slippy" replied Fox.
"Thanks" replied Slippy.
"So once we leave the Lylat system we are on our own essentially"? asked Falco.
"Exactly" said Peppy "Your dad and me used to operate the D.S.C.S all the time Fox, I'm well aquainted with how the ship works, this ship is a one of a kind, very few even know it exists".

Star Fox docked their Awings at the Outpost and made their way inside.
Lights came on, switches were flicked, prints and eye scans used, then blood samples, it was the most secured Outpost Fox Slippy and Falco had ever been on.
"Man alive this is next level Sec" said Falco.
"It used to be alot more secure when I was in command" said Peppy.
"Slippy prep the D.S.C.S asap, Falco you help, Peppy and me will bring in the Awings.

Everyone moved and got things prepared.

Fox was drinking his Kawfay and checking his data on his pad, everything seemed operational.
Fox had 2 more hours before his team was on their own.
The D.S.C.S was well equipped and would remain in stealth mode as soon as it left the outpost.

"Slippy get me a list of the next five planets after Taran-Tula" said Fox.
"Okay" replied Slippy, then he pressed a few buttons on his hand held machine and on the tiny screen came up the five planets: Secon, Virus, Zardos, Echo and Netlap.

"Flaco get me everything on Secon, the more we know the better equipped we will be to find the Slepods" said Fox.
"Don't you know anything Fox"? sighed Falco.
"Look beaks, I'm only paid to know the Lylat System, and paid to protect it, outside that it's none of my business" shot Fox.
"Slippy can you get me all the info on Secon please" asked Falco.
"No Falco, I didn't ask Slippy, I asked you to do it" included Fox who was staring at Falco.
There was a silence as everyone watched Fox and Falco. Slippys mouth was half open and Peppys eyes were shoointg back and forward between Fox and Falco.
"Sure Fox" replied Falco calmly as he started to get information for Fox "How would you like it delivered"? asked Falco.
Everyone watched in silence.
"Ask slippy he will help you" said Fox.
"Uh..Slippy" started Falco.
Slippy was looking at Fox and Falco..."Uh, yeah Falco, how can I help you" replied Slippy Toad.
"Can you show me how to send this information to Fox from my device because I don't know how to do it"? asked Falco sarcastically.
Fox McCloud squinted his eyes slowly.
"It can be difficult to get it to send Falco but it's very easy" said Slippy "pull up a chair and I will show you".
"Sure thing buddy" said Falco, then he went up to Fox and said "can I borrow your seat for a few minutes Fox...Please"? asked Falco.
Slippy turned his head a smiled.
"Yeah Falco, it's all yours" replied Fox.

Falco got Slippy to explain it to him Four times, then sent it to Fox.
"Anything else you need me to do Fox McCloud"? asked Falco.
"No Falco Lombardi" answered Fox who then stood up and saluted to Falco. Falco stood and Saluted back.

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