Space Lost

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Team Star Fox got to work.
Slippy Toad went towards the engine rooms.
Flaco went to the Slepods too see if anyone was there.
Peppy went towards the Navigations.
Fox went to the Captains Deck.

"Remember guys, stay in contact at all times" ordered Fox.
"Got it" replied Slippy Toad.
"I hear ya Fox" said Falco.
Peppy nodded and everyone moved off.

Fifteen minutes later....
"Ok boys first things first is getting the lights on, how we doing with that Slippy"?
"Does anyone hear a clicking sound"? asked Slippy.
"Focus Slippy, how do those engines look" asked Fox.
"Everything looks ok so far, no damage anywhere, ok im about to turn on the engines" reported Slippy.
Slippy flicked a switch and lights appeared all over the Ship.
"Nice going Slippy" spoke Fox.

"Falco tell us what you got" spoke Fox into his comms.
"I got a bunch of full Slepods, everyone is alive, except the names on each Slepods looks like its written in a different langauage" said Falco
"Thanks Falco, keep monitoring them and report to Command ASAP" advised Fox.
"Peppy where we at with where this ship has been"? asked Fox.
There was no reply..
"Peppy come in" replied Fox a few times.
Peppy never spoke, there was just a shshshshshshsh tone from his comms.
"Come on Peppy we dont have time for pranks" added Fox.
Fox lifted his device which showed each member on the ship as tiny yellow dots, there was only three dots.
"Guys get to Navigations immediately this is for real, Peppy is offline, Slippy get to our Awings" shouted Fox.
Falco and Fox met up at Navigations and the only thing they found was Peppys fur, alot of it, his clothes which were torn to bits.
"Just what is going on here Fox"? asked Falco as he looked around.

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