Space Pay

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"Get some shut eye you lot, I will get your transport sorted for tomorrow evening" ordered Croc.
Everyone went to bed as soon as possible, Falco was still sitting in the room watching the screen.
Croc entered the room that Falco was in, walked up to him and held a cloth over his mouth, Falco struggled and almost got away but Croc had put him to sleep.
Croc had put everyone to sleep and tied them up.

The next day Star Fox was on their knees in the warehouse infront of a mercenary Leader with their hands tied behind their backs, a leader that was part of the black widows, one of the most feard groups on Taran-Tula.

The leader who had an eye patch walked up to Slippy and rolled his sleeve up to its shoulder and revealed a muscular arm with a tattoo of a black widow on it and brought it right beside Slippys face.
"You know what that is pipsqueak"? asked the Leader
"An arm"? asked Slippy looking left and right.
"It's a sign, a warning, it means death, death comes to everyone and today it has come to you four, but I'm not going to go easy on you like your mummy and your daddy, I'm going to hurt you, work you hard to the bone until payment is made.
"How much have you sold us out for Croc"? demanded Fox.
"More than your paying me squirt" spat Croc.
"Hey Fox remember the time Croc sold out that pirate named Hip, she was from this planet right"? asked Flaco.
Fox slowly closed his eyes in disbelief.
The black widow leader stoppd and listened to Falco then grabbed him, "Who did you say"? he yelled.
"Hip, her twin brother was called Horay, we almost caught the two of them but somehow her brother escaped" spoke Falco.
The leader who's real name was Horay turned on Croc and pulled out his pistol "you sold out my sister"? yelled Horay.
Croc was just as fast with his pistol " I can get her back" reassured Croc but the trigger on Horay's pistol went off, then Croc's pistol unloaded into Horay and both Croc and Horay ended up turning on each other.
Star Fox stayed knelt in silence.
Slippy looked at Falco "Why didn't you just keep quiet pidgeon mouth, now look what you did, you killed a double agent".
Falco's eyes widened "A what"???
"He was a double agent Falco and you got him killed" exhaled Fox.
Slippy was the first to get himself untied, then he untied the others.
"You mean this whole hands behind the back was a ploy to get Horay's trust"? asked Falco.
"It's too late now, look at them" said Peppy.
"lets get outta here before anyone investigates the shooting"

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