Space Note

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Slippy Falco and Fox activated stealth mode making the Awings transparent and noiseless, they circled Peppys location and noticed there was another Ship beside his, a Lylagov ship, between the two ship was a circular metal plate that led to a bunker.

"Ugh" grunted Fox "any chance of listening in Slippy"? askd Fox McCloud.
"I can try a few things but we will need to land" replied Slippy Toad.
"Follow me" said Falco.
Falco led them as close as possible.
"Slippy get on that Lylagov ship and get me everything it has asap, Falco and me will listen in, stay in contact" ordered Fox.
"Yes Sir I'm on it" spoke Slippy.

"...did it come back so early" said the mystery voice.
"The only thing I can think of is Sabotague by Wolf Lord" said Peppy.
"Wolf Lord, an expendable mercenary but a useful one indeed"
"Where did he take the Slepods"? asked Peppy
"The Slepods are none of your business Hare, you are here because I told you to get here, all you have to do is keep following orderes".
"What I am supposed to tell Star Fox"? asked Peppy.
"Rat Fox is your problem, each and every one of them is a loser and if you weren't so stupid to begin with we wouldn't be having this conversation, but I do have a story for you to leak to the press, that is, if it's not too big a challenege for you"
the mystery man pulled out a piece of paper with details on it and held it out, Peppy reached for it but he let it drop and it hit the floor "Oops".
Peppy didnt move.
"Not so stupid afterall" he replied.

"It sounds like we missed most of it" whispered Falco.
"We got a lot of info, plus Slippy will put all sorts of things on the Lylagov's ship and whatever he knows we will know" replied Fox "Slippy get out of there asap".
"On my way Fox".

Falco Fox and Slippy stayed put and watched Peppy and Lylagov leave.
A picture of the mystery man's face appeared on Fox's screen, he looked recognizable but Fox couldn't place him.

Back on Star Command Fox got Slippy and Falco and offered them a proposition, that they go it alone and leave Peppy behind, Fox felt he couldn't be trusted anymore...
"I don't know Fox, he is our Mentor afterall and he is a valued member of the team plus he knows about the ship" spoke Slippy.
"Yeah a ship with no records of anyone ever being alive, a Membite and now a Lylagov"? spoke Falco.
"He has been keeping us in the dark from day one, and I just cant figure out why" replied Fox "how can we keep him on the team if we can't trust him like family".
Flaco and Peppy gave a quick look at one another.
"Fox wouldn't it be for the best to find out as much as we can before we make our move?" asked Slippy "who is to know if he even told Lylagov the truth".
"Leave it to me Fox, I know a guy that will watch every move Peppy makes and report to us" said Falco.
"Ok" agreed Fox then asked Slippy how the decode was going
"Here I will turn up the volume" said Slippy.
"Decoding completion at percentage three"
"Press Mute and keep it on" said Falco.

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