Space List

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As soon as Star Fox had the go ahead from Command they set out for the planet Taran-Tula.
Taran-Tula was a war planet, it was mostly sand and deep valleys, high mountains, it's an ugly planet dominated by a maniac that only cared about power and money. Anything and everything could be bought and paid for, legal and illegal, Taran-Tula was the place to find active slepods if they were to be found anywhere.

Star Fox each aquired certain illegal items that would disguise their faces and voices. Inside wooden crates they hid, addressed to 'The Load Of Croc'.
The Croc was a fake mercenary group that were spies for Star Fox Command.

Fox heard a tapping on the outside of his crate...dat da da dat da da dat dat dat, and Fox repeated the code, the lid opened up and Croc had welcomed Star Fox to Taran-Tula.
It was hugs all round for everyone.


"Are you sure you haven't heard anything"? asked Peppy..Team Croc and Star Fox were down in the lower levels of the warehouse.
"Not heard anything about Slepods but I will keep an eye out, what I did hear though was a batch of illegal Memites were purchased by someone called B Cougar" replied Croc.
"Thats funny because Peppy was bitten by one of those in space" said Slippy.
"Can you get your hands on who else bought those or who they were sent to"? asked Falco.
"I'm sure there must be a list somewhere in Panthers office, you guys can sneak in tonight and see what you find" replied Crock.
"Know anything about the missing ship that vanished five years ago"? askd Fox.
"Yeah, I had a ticket to be on it, but a friend of mine who I trusted smashed me over the head the night before with a bottle and stole my spot" spoke Croc.
"Hahahaha, sounds like something Peppy would do" laughed Slippy.
Peppy had an innocent look on his face.
"So this Panther guys office, where is it"? asked Fox
Croc pulled out a map and pointed to a spot a few streets away.
"Panther sits most nights on the roof watching out for ships trying to sneak in, he is one of them loyal types, but I'm sure he wont be a problem for you guys" replied Croc.
"Can I have more miillk please"? asked Slippy politely
Falco whispered to Croc "he is like a child".
"Make yourself at home Slips" answered Croc then fist bumped Slippy Toad.
"Thanks" said Slippy who got up and made himself at home.
"Fox don't take everyone tonight leave Falco with me I need his expertise with something more serious" finished Croc.
Falco looked at Fox and nodded.

At midnight there was a huge sandstorm which was perfect for Fox and Slippy, Falco was in a back room with a screen which was overlooking the street which Croc got him to watch due to the storm and Peppy was with him.

Fox and Slippy were wrapped up in dusty clothes from head to toe with infraspec-goggles which allowed them to see in the dark. The noise was loud and sand blasted Fox and Slippy from all angles. Fox and Slippy were careful to avoid the cameras and eventually found the roof to Panthers warehouse.
Fox brought out a tiny device with a camera on it and slid it inside a tiny gap and looked at the screen. In the warehouse was one guard, in the far corner was an office where the list of names should be.
Fox looked at Slippy and made hand signals telling Slippy to wait until he went to the bathroom before they went in, after fifteen minutes they were in, the guard was knocked out and Slippy was searching the computer for delivery names.
On the screen a list of names appeared :
Moses Quito
Scar Pion
Ida Web
Hymen Teran
Donna Nata
Pearl Mussle
Sab Tooth
Queen Bee
Wolf Lord
Joker Wild
Will Clay
Killer Bee

Slippys eyes blinked, he recognised one name, pressed print, put it into his pocket and returned to Fox.

In the early hours of the morning Slippy Croc Fox and Peppy were around a table drinking kawfay and discussing the one name they all knew personally, Wolf Lord.

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