Space Flight

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Falco Slippy and Fox were a lightyear behind Peppy, Peppy had left Corneria in secret or so he thought.
"Seriously I can't believe he is hiding something and acting like he is important, and we are not trust worthy enough to listen to him" sapd Falco.
"Yeah, It is disrespectful to be treated how he is treating us after I saved his life a few days ago, remember Falco, remember when I said saved you and Peppy"? said Slippy
"Yes Toad I remember...look thats not even important, what is important is how he is just ignoring you fox after him and your dad were the best of friends and your like a son to him and now he treats you like a stranger" said Falco.
"Abandoning your own son like that, terrible, especially after the promise he made to your dad Fox" said Slippy.
"Would you two shut the hell up" said Fox.
Falco and Slippy remained silent.

"Slippy uh, has he landed yet" asked Fox quietly.
"Not yet but he is going towards the moon LV" said Slippy.
"Hey Slippy im on channel 2 join me for a minute would you" asked Flaco.
"Ok" replied Slippy.

Fox sat quietly for a few minutes then secretely patched in to Channel 2 to hear what Falco and Slippy were saying but it was static, then he searched the rest of the channels and found them on channel 8, he tutted then he listened quietly....
"Congratulations Falco you have done it again" said Slippy "you led another unsuspecting innocent down a deep dark hole" said Slippy.
" I see, so I shouldn't have gone any further"? asked Falco.
"It depends on the timing" said Slippy "how can you not see the downfall this time"?
"You do know how boring he is" said Falco "its like trying to get blood from a stone".
"Did you hear that"? asked Slippy
"Hear what"? replied Falco
"Sounds like someone breathing" said Slippy then slippy and Falco stayed quiet.
Fox held his hand over his mouth.
"I thought this channel was secure" started Slippy.
"It is" replied Falco "Fox.....are you in here"? asked Falco then he listened.
Fox's eyes were wide.
For several minutes no one spoke....
"Falco we should get back to Star Com, it looks like Peppy has landed " said Slippy.
"Ok but don't say anything to Fox about what happened I think Peppy really is disappointed in him as a leader this time".

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