Space Week

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The D.S.C.S was perfectly designed and built to perfection. Fully loaded with long term recon and its stealth abilites made it completely invisible to everything.

Secon was a Seven day trip and full Lightspeed.

7 Days Later

Secon was flanked by three moons which made it perfect for Star Fox.
They searched all three moons for the ship Wolf Lord stole but came up empty.
The D.S.C.S landed silently in the shadows.
Slippy hacked into one of the satellites orbiting Secon and checked the recorded data and bingo, an image of the ship appeared.
"Got it" yelled Slippy "the ship is on Secon".
"Any footage"? asked Falco.
"One second" said Slippy, Fox and Peppy and Falco had joined Slippys screen "just a sec.....i have to find the right date......gimme a few seconds....".
"Can you hurry this up Slippy"? asked Fox.
"Im going as fast as I can" replied Slippy.
"You take your time Slippy, its best we do this right the first time, it's not like we can all get a second chance in life" said Falco.
Fox nodded his head slowly in disapproval.
On the screen it showed the ship landing, Wolf Lord getting out and meeting with someone, then robots removing all the Slepods from the ship.
"Very fast, all under one hour" said Falco.
They watched the ship take off and leave.
"Follow the Slepods as much as you can Slippy and get us locations, they all might still be on Secon" ordered Fox.
"Yes sir" replied Slippy.
Falco looked ay Peppy "Well...any ideas Peppy"? asked Falco.
"I think the best thing to do is to follow the ship and let the Lylagov handle the Slepods" answered Peppy.
"Really....hmph" replied Falco.
"We are here for the Slepods guys not the ship" said Fox.
"I best update Command its been over a week" said Peppy then he left the room.
"Falco" said Fox.
"On it".
Falco followed Peppy

"What do you think Peppys up to Slippy" asked Fox
"I don't know but if he cant tell us do you think he is trying to protect us from the Lylagov"? asked Slippy Toad.
Fox put his hand on Slippys shoulder "I'll send Falco to take the second shift, make sure you get plenty of sleep".
Slippy sat and watched as much footage as possible, then was able to hack into the cameras on the planet and followed up to Fifty Slepods. The next shift was Falco's turn who wasnt able to follow any Slepods as Slippy had done all the work. Flaco relaxed for the next 7 hours.

The next day Star Fox landed on Secon in secret and started operating during the night, they searched all the servers and data devices they could, anything they could to find where Wolf was off to.
It turned out not all the slepods were removed, there was one Slepod that Wolf kept on the ship.
"This would go alot faster if we just grabbed one and beat the information out of him" said Falco.
"The last time we were anywhere near that situation you got half of Corneria killed and buried" replied Fox.
"Yeah Falco its a Rescue Operation not a killing spree" whispered Slippy.
Falco never replied...
Slippy clicked his fingers and said " I got it".
"Got what Slippy"? asked Peppy
"The slepods are designed to autolog each outpost they go past, but if we can get our hands on a Slepod maybe we can find out if it's connected to the Slepod on Wolf's Ship and then we can track that Slepod and find Wolf" said Slippy.
"Nice going Slippy" commended Falco "can you find out where the nearest Slepod is"?
"Yeah just a sec" replied Slippy
Slippy spent more time than he needed to finding the Slepod..." It's in the possession of a guy called Count Tap-an".
"Tap-pan eh" replied Falco.
"We owe him one Falco" said Peppy.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21 ⏰

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