Space Chase

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In the corner in the shadow, a few feet away from Fox and Falco, Peppy had Wolf O'Donnell's paw over his mouth and a gun to his head.
"Not a word fatty" whispered Wolf.

"Slippy, is Peppy's ship still there"? asked Fox.
"No Fox, its gone" replied Slippy.
Fox looked at Falco.
"He left without telling us"? said Falco.
"Slippy get a tracker on his Awing, were coming to you" ordered Fox.
Fox and Falco ran off and sprinted to the Hanger leaving Peppy in the clutches of the evil mercenary Lord Wolf.

"Good work blimp, you just saved their lives" whispered Wolf.
"What do you want, what are you doing here" demanded Peppy.
"You are out of your league slim, your getting involved in something that doesn't concern you and its above your tiny paygrade" replied Wolf.
Wolf smacked Peppy on the head with his weapon knocking him to the floor.
Wolf pressed a small device against Peppy's head and wiped the last twenty four hours from his memory.

Fox Falco and Slippy were circling the giant ship looking for Peppys Awing.....
"Uh, Fox, the ships engines are turning blue" said Slippy.
"You mean Peppys trying to steal the ship"? said Fox.
"We need to get onboard before he gets away" yelled Falco, but it was too late, a giant blue light appeared and the ship was gone.

"This is all your fault Fox, you had to go and scare him, im not going down for this one" said Falco.
"You came up with the plan feathers not me, I was against it" said Fox.
"Fox I can track its Lightline" said Slippy.
"Do that and lead the way Slippy...Ok boys, we got this" replied Fox.

Team Star Fox A/Z Origins The Lightning bolt that went across the Universe UltraOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora