Space Day

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The next day

Falco, Fox, Slippy and Peppy were at the canteen on the outpost.
"I'm not ready to go back yet" stated Fox while chewing his food.
"Same here, this is our mission" replied Falco.
"You shoudn't eat with your mouth full beak-face" said Slippy to Falco "you could choke on your food".
Peppy sat mostly that day in silence trying to remember anything.

"Lets think this through one step at a time" said Falco "what time did we get the call that the ship arrived"?
"7am" replied Slippy
"And how long did it take us to reach the Ship"? asked Falco.
"Forty minutes" added Slippy.
"Forty minutes Fox...anything could happen in forty minutes" said Falco as he broke one of Slippys kookays in two.
"What if we were not the first to identify it"? asked Slippy "what if another team got there before us"? slippy picked up the two kookay pieces.
"If that is true then why just attack Peppy, why not get all of us"? asked Fox.

Slippy drank more of his miillk.
"I wish I could remember something but I cant, I'm sorry I let you guys down" said Peppy finally.
Everyone looked at Peppy.....
"No one blames you Peppy" said Falco.
"Yeah Peppy, you have nothing to be ashamed of, your still a part of Team Star Fox" said Slippy
"Your a valued member of the team Peppy and we would be lost without you" said Fox.
Slippy got up out of his chair quickly and left with his shoulders shaking.
"Star Fox Once and Always" replied Peppy.


"Ahahaha" roared Falco.
"Did you see his face" laughed Fox.
"Lost without you almost floored me" yelled Slippy through the tears in his eyes.

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