Space Pictures

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Bang Bang Catch. Bang Bang Catch.

Peppy was sitting on the floor with his back against the wall holding a glove and tossing a ball against the opposite wall and catching it.
Fox was laying on the couch wearing headphones listening to the sound of Awing engines, it was helping him sleep.
Falco was writing a sci fi story about these creatures called hummans and how they lived in a universe like his but they all lived on one planet called the world and it was about how the hummans eventually destroyed themselves from greed wealth, insensitivites, finally destorying the ozone a long time ago and then the closest sun expands like 0000000000000000000000.000000000000000000001% and a few hummans make it safely to the new planet called the red planet.
Slippy was putting paper into water and waiting for the picture to appear, he had to switch off all the lights in the room to develop his pictures.

dit, a letter gone.
dat, a number gone.
dit, a letter gone.
dat, a number gone.
dit, a letter gone.
dat, a number gone.
dit, a lettter gone.
dat, a number gone.
dit, a letter gone.
dat, a number gone.
dit, a letter gone.
dat, a number gone.

Then a beautiful female voice came from the computer saying "Decoding completion at percentage...."
Everyone stopped doing what they were doing and listened smiling and wide eyed, the beautiful whiteness of their choopers gleaming through their smiles.
"Decoding completion at percentage one. Decoding second percent within the next five minutes"

"Aaaarrrrrrh" yelled Fox.

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