Space Giant

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The four Awings finally arrived at the Cruiser.
The Ship was the longest ship Fox had ever seen, search lights from the Awings scanned the side of the ship and found the name, it was called HONORIFICABILITUDINITATIBUS.
"What kind of a name is that"? asked Slippy
"It means Honor" spoke Peppy, his low tone had everyone on edge.
"Okay boys lets start from scratch" started Fox.

Ten minutes later Slippy Fox and Falco had entered the Hanger.
Ten more minutes passed, then Ten more minutes got Peppy jumpy.
"Fox come back" spoke Peppy.
Static replied then something that sounded like screaming.
"Fox, Slippy, Falco come in, do you read me" yelled Peppy.
More static then total silence. Someone had cut off the comms.
"Im coming Star Fox" yellled Peppy, he moved as fast as he could and entered the Hanger.
Peppy jump out of his Awing and drew is light weapon, everything was dark.
"Fox" whispered Peppy "Falco" "Slippy".
A noise of something growling turned peppy around and Fox Falco and Slippy all screamed at him

Ten minutes later and Peppy still wasn't talking to anyone as he soiled his underwear from the fright.
"Didn't you tell him it was just a joke Fox" asked Falco.
"I did and I took full responsability for the scare" replied Fox.
"That is a honorable thing to do Fox" commended Slippy.
"Did he know...." asked Falco.
"Leave it Falco, pretend you don't know what happened" ordered Fox.
"Yeah bird brain how would you feel it everyone knew you slept with your childhood teddy bear" said Slippy.
"What"? asked Fox quickly
"I don't, never did and never will, lets move on" ended Falco.
Flaco moved off first and Slippy mouthed to Fox "He does sleep with a teddy bear".

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