untitled but titled because i think i love him

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untitled but titled because i think i love him

Part 1

i appreciated it when he told me we could die together
he wasn't the first but it was sincere
when he told me i could take his phalanges
i needed an offering for my alter
and how if i needed to feed i could feed on him
just how bad he wants to be inside me as i want him there

i think i feel a sort of appreciation
not only from me but us (miss genesis & the lady of dark herself)
appreciation of the change
appreciating the shared adoration
appreciating the loss of fear
fear that if we slipped up the attention we earned would be given to another kid
a kid, a boy just like us, just as broken down (you were my brother
and i loved you as such
i looked to you for comfort
for advice

you molested me
you stole what i was away and left me gaping
a hole that only you could fill
until now)

i appreciate the "baby boys"
the "i'm so proud of you" over the smallest things
the alarms to take my medication on his phone

he makes me cry
only out of relief
a happiness i haven't found in so long

he called me his sunshine
i'm dark, i'm more the moon but i love that i'm bright to him (he makes me feel supernova)
he knows the things i think
how violent i am
how angry i am
he looks at me all the same
he said i was a wonderful writer
i was shocked that anyone felt such a way
i appreciate him, i appreciate everything he is

the fear.. the delusions & the fear

i hope that when he leaves me
just as everyone does (i hope he never goes)
he still sees me in the happiest of things
in the sun and the full moon
in the venus fly traps and the snake plants
in the beautiful friday's that i screech are for venus
in the poetry i spew about anything that reaches me
in the tea i pander him with when he's sick
ginger to be exact
in the slushies and the disgusting captain crunch (TO HIM)
in the cold that would make my toes wiggle
in the strays that wonder on the streets near his cozy apartment
in the frilly princess pink sheets and the lovely lingerie
in the nu metal that he long outgrew (thrash metal my beloved)
in the fear of women (i don't feel worthy enough to love one)
in the random outbursts of lines from shows i talked him into watching
in the x minutes long muffled voice messages while he's at work (his yapstar frl)
in the memory of my teeth, the thing he said he adored
my smile
i hope he hears me
i hope he remembers me
the uneducated genius with a knack for herbs and random facts and a love for animals
i hope he remembers


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