pomegranate, filled figs

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               pomegranate, filled figs

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pomegranate, filled figs

i can see our life together
i like it more than all the others
the rest of the leaves have blown away
my fig has been chosen
it and a pomegranate sit in my hand
i'm the feaster
and you're the man
our little life together
animal on every tit
flying to countries on a whim
pregnancy tests in haiti just to see

you eat my baking
you love them
i know
you want to go with me
i'll take you wherever i go
fig in my pocket & pomegranate in the other
rose petals fill the linings of my skin

our little life together
i hope it can be so
i want to be held by you, loved,love

you get me
you've had experience with me before
you don't have to see them
i can keep them locked away i swear
you wont have to mutter dove with silver on your tongue
i can keep them from swallowing you i swear (pt2)
just stay with me
and our happy life
love me, love

i can bare you beautiful fruits
baby bats hanging from the trees
and i can care for you when you're sick
tea in self made pottery mugs with swirls that resemble the sea
i can love you
if i don't know how i can learn to
lets just lay here and watch our little life grow
i dug up that old fig tree
the one filled with bad memories
even worse decisions
a rose bush with pomegranate collagen sits in its place
little fig, you're my last, lets watch us grow


i cant keep them from you
and i refuse to
why would i lie?
if they must it, it will be
she liked the sound of you
thats why we're here
i get drunk off my own love daze
my tongue gets twisted
my brain believes my lies
i can't say i love you
i don't know if i do
i don't know if i can
i like the way of you
the skin of you
the breath of you
i like the life i see beyond the plant's skin
but i cannot hide them from you
nor you from them
you must face this
i can only hold off for so long
you must face this, them, her
you must

                           3 - 12- 24

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