we made a mess of this

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we made a mess of this

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we made a mess of this

waiting up over spilt coffee
isn't what i want in life
i want you, i do
but i refuse to wait on you
i refuse to be pushed away inch by inch
i can go myself
just give me the words and i will leave
if you're gone and you no longer want me
make that clear
leaving is just an annoying chore
but anywhere could be better than here
i don't understand how
one little mistake sent us to ruins
but its not at my hand
the choice is yours
say the words and i will go
leaving may be a chore
and i don't want to leave
but anywhere can be home
a home where i can live
i'm not sure if i can lay my head on you
it ruined that safety for me
i'm not sure if i can trust you
your words were like hell for me
and hell is not my home
i can't live here like this
id rather be alone
so give me the words and i will go
far away from here and you and all that i wanted to know


i feel lose, untightened
like your grip on me is lessening
and you're waiting for me to fall
as if i'm a bead at the end of a thread
inching slowly to the untied
reaching its body outside of its owners pockets
to drop to the floor
to be forgotten
watching the owner walk away


i don't want you to walk away
please don't lessen your soft hand from me
keep them here
let them glide across my skin and hold me
pull me to your chest and breath me in
tell me you won't leave me
please, i beg you
my fear is stronger than my hope
paranoia holds my hand like a lost widow by a tree
dressed in all black
waiting for another man to fall
i will go if you ask
if you say those horrid words
but i don't want to
please don't make me crack on the floor
don't make me your dropped pearl

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