the sins the gods of depravity sing in their garden

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the sins the gods of depravity sing in their garden

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the sins the gods of depravity sing in their garden

two men should not lay but they do
breast to breast
leg to leg
we lay here in our own communion
their screams are all behind us
beneath these pews for which we lay
i feel you in me
an appendage we both can grow
their god is supposed to look down on us
on these pews for which we lay
they think we care?
that we wont risk hell for just this day
to them we are sinners, evil
their god has told them so
through their silly little bibles
passages filled with stolen words and hate
they beat and scream beneath these floors for which we both have laid
we'll do it until they get it
their god is not with us shared
they can turn their noses
their ugly silly face
we will screech in theirs
and we will continue to lay
lilith to lilith
dead to dead
your fingers in mine or mine in yours
its all the same
for we are the man
the real man
the real god for which they seek
two men who continue to lay
cackling in their face
knuckles deep in the other
from their pews to their holy alter
man to man, cunt to cunt
we will continue to lay

pt 2 :
Homophobic old man

Homophobic old man
tell me how much dirt your bible holds
you scream because you dream of us just to get off
you call us a waste
two beautiful women hand and hand
as if you ever had a chance
who is it a waste to? who's god actually cares?
its a sin to you
just like our shoulders
and our ankles
and our necks
its the modesty you preach
women, heard but not seen
pretty but covered
sexual but only when it serves you and no others
you hate us because you cannot touch us
because your shriveled penis will never reach
the real touch of a lesbian for which you dream
though i am not a lesbian
i just look at you in disgust
your god and your modesty and your hate means nothing to me
because your shriveled penis will never be her hands
only her hands get to touch

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