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The light from my laptop's screen illuminated my face as I sat with my legs crisscrossed on my bed typing away. I was writing the last chapter of a novel I couldn't tell if I would be taking the step of publishing it anytime soon or storing it away like the others I had completed.

I put an hold to wriggle my fingers and my back, these parts of my body were practically screaming at me to take a break but I resisted until I couldn't anymore. I didn't know what was it about today, I haven't had the urge to write so seamlessly in a long while. The words kept pouring out like a waterfall. I had been up as early as five in the morning, did my daily routine and ever since been glued to my system, typing As I checked the time on my laptop, which depicted that it was almost noon, I told myself it was high time I did take that much needed break and step out of my darkened room. And that I did.

I stretched, my entire body cracking in protest but still thanked me for it. Sighing, I placed my legs into my flip-flops. I opened my bedroom door stepping into the living room I shared with my roommate Stella.

She had her head stuck out on the couch at such an odd angle while watching what seemed like a rom-com?

"And she finally decided to grace us with her presence" Stella said dramatically while having a mouthful of popcorns. I rolled my eyes at her and made my way to our small kitchen to grab a bottle of water from the mini fridge.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say your room has some sort of fetish of yours or the room itself is some sort of fetish to you. And don't get me wrong Dora there's absolutely nothing wrong in some me time but you should spend some quality time with people too"

Not this again

"Leave me alone Stella. How is it wrong in wanting to spend more time in a place I find solace? You should know me by now" I replied after gulping down some water my throat desperately needed. I sat on the couch as she gave me room by bringing down her legs.

"Of course. Still doesn't mean you have to stay cooped in it" She stated looking at me from the corner of her eyes while still trying to pay attention to her movie "The weather is nice today. We could have a girls day out or something. Come on, let's go out"

I felt bad letting her down again, but she knew what my reply would be and so I wondered why she went through the trouble asking every time "Maybe another time" I stated putting my attention on the screen, the male character tenderly stroke the cheek of the female character who smiled brightly at him. As quickly as the thought came it left, if I would ever be in such a position some day to truly experience this. I was too damaged for such. I wouldn't even know how to handle such an experience.

"Come on it would be fun. It's Saturday. We could go shopping or the beach. No parties I promise"

It was exhausting just thinking about it, let alone acting on it. The thought of being in such places, interacting, because it probably wouldn't be just the two of us. Knowing Stella she might invite a couple of her friends to join us. That was too much for me to handle.

"What do you say?" She pressed on.

"No Stella." I deadpanned "How is Bryan by the way?"

"Don't change the topic Dora." She gave me a knowing look "besides i'm refusing to talk to him right now but my baby's fine" She pouted her lips. She was in another fight with him. One I knew she most likely started. She was troublesome like that too. However, I may not know what being in love with someone else felt like or anything remotely close to that but I knew they hold each other dear. "We could have so much fun..." She continued but I tuned her out pretending to be engrossed in the movie she had on while her attention was completely on me now.

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